Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Despite everything--you cheating on me, the lies, leaving me, telling me you never would, making a fool out of me in front of everyone I know, stealing my friends, destroying my mental stability, making me afraid to ever love again--despite all that, if you were to come back to me today, I'm not sure I'd be able to say anything but "Yes."
I never know if she means it or if she's just trying to hurt us when my mother threatens suicide.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 12/31/08

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My brother's an alcoholic.

I'm worried that I'll become one, too.
When I get dressed up to go out and feel really good about myself, I feel invincible. I want to have a good time with my friends, have a drink, and laugh. Why does a woman enjoying herself immediately translate to "Please hit on me. I desperately want it." ?

A part of me likes the attention. But when you're leering at my ass and breasts, you're just being creepy. So stop it.
I hate myself for saying "I love you" back. I don't know if you ever meant it, and I still don't know if I meant it or not. I don't know if love is anything more than lust.

I hate that I don't want to be in a relationship with anyone anymore. If you could leave me without any warning, when I thought things were so good, then why wouldn't it happen again?

Most days, I am glad we don't talk anymore, and I never want to see you again. Ever. I'm not sure what I would do if I saw you -- I think I would burst into tears. It's easier pretending you don't exist. Most days...

Most of all, I hate that I still love you, after everything we said and did to hurt each other.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 12/30/08

Monday, December 29, 2008

I will never have a successful romantic relationship. Once the people I've dated have gotten past my veneer, they fade away. I guess the real me isn't very appealing.
I realized that I only have three real friends at UNC. They're the only ones I'll miss when I'm gone, and I couldn't be happier that I've found such quality friends.
I'm scared of telling my parents that I'm depressed because I don't want to go on medication. I just can't remember the last time I was happy.
I think he stopped loving me long before we broke up. It only makes it worse to remember how many times I was sleeping next to him when he said that he loved me only to realize that he was lying.

He was LYING. And he promised that he would never, ever lie to me.
Why won't you fight for me? You know that I love you, and I know that you love me. Just say it, and stop acting happy when I tell you that I found a date for New Years.
I looked at your facebook profile, and I think you're dating someone else, and it's killing me.

Was I really that easy to replace?

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 12/29/08

I'm finally starting to let you go after you hurt me so badly, but I'm afraid I will never be able to fully let go or fix the part of me that still loved you after all the pain you caused.
I wish I could prove I love you.
I think what I really want,
deep down,
behind all the wanting of friends, or boyfriends, or important jobs, or great accomplishments,
is to know that if I died,
there would be some hole that I left
that nobody else could fill.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Welcome Back.

Dear loyal readers and contributors,

It's been a long time. I hope you forgive the delay, but we are back up and running.

We truly value all of our members, so please spread the word that UNC Post Secrets is back.

Happy New Year,
The Moderators.