Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Contribute to the Daily Pictures

If you have a photo you would like to submit for use as the daily picture, email it to uncchsecrets@gmail.com.

The only pictures that will definitely be considered are photographs taken on campus or around Chapel Hill which
  • show no recognizable faces
  • are of a reasonable size
  • are inoffensive (Obviously, this is subjective. A good rule of thumb: submit what would deeply offend your dear old grandma but only make your parents mildly uncomfortable.)
For now, we will also consider non-photographic images that follow the above guidelines.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Anonymous said...

what is "of reasonable size"?

S said...

As far as we can tell, if you can send it in an email attachment, that should be fine.

Anonymous said...

should we try to keep anonymity in sending pictures also?

S said...

Yes, please, we'd like to maintain anonymity in pictures, too.

That's not to say that you can't have a picture with people in it (we'd accept random faces in a crowd in the Pit, for instance). If you do want to submit a picture with people looking straight at the camera, try to find a way to cover the faces -- the more creative the better. This daily picture could also double as a secret, a la the original PostSecret.

As always, you know what will give away a secret to the people who know you. Even if you cover your face in the photo of you humping Silent Sam, chances are that one-of-a-kind lime party frock patterned with George Stephanopoulos' face will give you away.

Anonymous said...

I talked myself into falling for you and it took me forever to talk myself back out again.
Now that I'm through, I wonder how I ever did it in the first place. You are nothing like the person I put on that pedestal.