Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last year I submitted my secret that I was a sophomore and had no friends here. I'm almost a junior. I still don't have any.

I can be myself around everyone but you.

I know it's entirely unintentional, but you make me unhappy. The next time I talk to you will be the last. Sorry.
I get nervous thinking about the possibility you're flirting with other guys, much less hooking up with them. I don't miss the relationship and the stresses of it.....but I do miss you.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Every day, I think about kissing you. I hope that when I do, it won't make everything more difficult. Problem is -- I know it will.
I masturbate before every big basketball game for good luck (it really does seem to work). I'm not a member of the team though. Just a girl.
I'm tired of overthinking everything. I'm going to let my heart take control of romance.

There's no time for doubt, confusion, or analysis. I want to fall in love, and when I do, I want to FEEL it.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/30/09

Friday, March 27, 2009

I officially gave up on you a while ago, but being honest, I'm still in love with you, and I won't back down.
I feel like everyone is leaving me. But maybe I'm just standing still.
I am sick and tired of being single. I've done it my entire life; I'm good at being single. Time to try something different.
Whenever I'm in my friends' rooms, I try to find a way to look at their jean sizes to see if mine are smaller.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I plan on marrying my best friend so he can get in state tuition.

But I secretly hope it works out.
I hope I did the right thing.
I am slowly but surely becoming the person I've always wanted to be--calm, disciplined, and even a little bit self-confident. It's exhilarating.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I am so close to giving up. I'm honestly not sure how I get through the days.
I'm already falling in love with just the idea of 'us'.

I'm glad you've shed your insecurities and hesitations to embrace how happy we are when we're together.
I think I'm ready to put myself out there again. I want to try to find someone who will make me happy. Someone worth risking my heart for. But I don't want to tell my friends, and I can't figure out why.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I secretly love getting caught while I'm making out with someone!
I read an article that said that people who didn't fall in love when they were young were more likely to be in a successful relationship later. You supposedly have more realistic expectations because you aren't expecting it to be as intense as your first love. This doesn't comfort me, it makes me worry that I'll never have those irrational and head over heels feelings.
I just met the best most amazing girl. I haven't thought of anything but her since we met. I also just found out she lives with her girlfriend of over two years. Guess she really WAS too good to be real.
I met someone else. And they're great, they really are. But they don't compare. They don't even come close.

So I think I'm starting to understand: for you, I'm the one who can't compare.

It hurts, and I hate it. But I get it. And I'm sorry; I'd give the world if it meant you didn't have to miss someone else the way that I miss you.
I wish I wasn't such a boring person. Everyone else always seems to know what to say. I don't know if I'm bland or if being quiet is ok.
I've never done any real community service, or taken advantage of all the chances to help at UNC. That makes me feel horrible, and I am going to change it.
Just when things were getting good, you had to get all passive-aggressive on me. It really hurt. I'm hoping, for both of our sakes, I don't see or talk to you for a while. If we do, I hope you feel bitter. I don't want to feel that way, but the way you reacted towards me, I really can't help it.
I know I will probably have to speak to you again at some point, but here's the truth: I don't want to, and I'm going to avoid it where I can. At this point, I don't even know what I would say to you. I guess it's a pretty good thing that you don't want to talk to me, either.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/23/09

Friday, March 20, 2009

I've been talking to the most amazing guy, but a cruel twist of fate has probably ended any chance of a relationship. Sometimes it feels like Romeo and Juliet. Only we're not 14 and we're still alive.

I want a soulmate.

You asked me once if you'd ever hurt me. I laughed and told you no. I said I'd hurt myself and it wasn't your fault. It was the second time I've ever lied to you. Yes, you hurt me. We never had the type of relationship I wanted; we never kissed, never dated, never did anything beyond friendship. It wasn't like you cheated on me, but it hurt to see you throw yourself at every single guy you met except me. I'm glad I was never one of your meaningless hook-ups, we probably wouldn't be such great friends now if I had been, but I haven't been able to stop wondering what's wrong with me. You picked scumbags over me, and, yeah, that hurt.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My best friend doesn't believe I'm close to a mental breakdown because it doesn't seem that way to her. The truth is, she's the only person keeping it from happening.
I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I didn't really want to be friends with you anymore anyway. It wasn't worth it.
p.s. you could have hit me if you wanted. I can take it... and I could take you
I'm not moving on or letting go, but simply accepting the fact that you can't and never will want to be more than friends. I hope to god its going to work this time, because I know I can't fall for you again and have my heart shattered one more time.
I thought I was doing so much better over spring break and thinking about you less and less.

It turns out it was just being in a different place. Everything about Chapel Hill reminds me of you. I miss being with you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I don't fit in with my group of friends anymore. It seems like they only have mean things to say to me.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/16/09

Sunday, March 15, 2009

NYC was supposed to be our spring break trip - you took it with her instead.
tonight I lost all faith in gay men... all of them.. I tried so hard to give you everything, give you a chance to show me that you of all people were not like the rest of them... I defended you in front of all of them, and you still let me down... I never want to date again because of you

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I read FML way too much - numerous times a day - and I get disappointed when they haven't updated it. It makes me feel so much better about my life!

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/12/09

I'm not voting for Anoop.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm tired of random hookups and pretending that I can keep my emotions out of it. I just want to meet a nice guy who wants a serious relationship. Where are you?
You are the kind of guy that I have waited for most of my life to fall in love with. You are kind, sweet, caring, and you love to see me smile. Now if only you could get past flaking out on 75% of our plans (that you mostly initiate), I think we would have the time of our lives, in a relationship or not.
a few months after we broke up I had a short fling with your best friend.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Because of my ex, I am now completely re-evaluating every belief that I used to hold and becoming stronger in my convictions than ever before. I'm completely grateful to him, and only hope that I had some sort of effect on his life, too. A part of me wants me to tell him all of this, but the other part of me thinks that he wouldn't care.... just like always.
I was so flattered when you said you thought I had my shit together... but the truth is, I really don't. At all. I may know what I want in a lot of ways, but knowing what you want is absolutely useless when you have no idea where to find it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My girlfriend left for her spring break trip with a bunch of her friends. Including some guys she's hooked up with in the past. I haven't heard from her all day, and I'm worried about what may be going on...

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/9/09

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I HATE Carrboro.
You asked me why I was living so far away next year. I told you I couldn't afford Chapel Hill. Truth is that I'm living with him next year, and it's easier for both of us being half way. I'm not going to tell you the truth, you'll find out eventually.
I miss you sometimes. Sometimes I want to talk to you more, but I have to hold myself back because I'm finally okay with where we are. I'm afraid that if I talk to you more, it might ruin both of our new relationships.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I like you, I know you at least realize that my feelings for you exist, but I'm like 99.99% sure that you do not reciprocate my feelings. I am not the kind of person to come out and tell you how I feel, and I am not going to stop liking you. I wish you would give me a sign to just give up on you because I won't until I know for sure that we don't have a chance at being together.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My girlfriend has loved me since before we started dating. She's the sweetest, nicest, most intelligent, amazing person I've ever met, and I feel like the luckiest guy on campus because I'm with her.

Since being with her, I've felt extremely content and validated, but have not acquired the joy I've felt in other relationships. I want nothing more than to feel that joy and longing for her in this relationship, but it hasn't come yet. Maybe my last one broke me. I've never broken anyone's heart before, but I feel like it's inevitable, and like people here and elsewhere would want to smack me for entertaining the thought of throwing away someone so special.

Maybe I did deserve to have my heart broken.
I only met her once. I only spoke with her for about 5 minutes. She then gave a presentation about Carolina -- "excellence with a heart." And I still miss Eve.
Eve Carson day depresses me. If I died, there would be no campus-wide mourning ceremony, no Daily Tar Heel spread, no speeches by the chancellor. Nobody would give a shit.
I need you to stop being so on again/off again with him. I want to prove to you that when you're with the right person, relationships are great!
I really believe that if the media didn't bitch about the economy so much, the economy would be better.
Media, movies, and tv dont only make me feel fat; they make me feel like a social failure. Since childhood they have ingrained in me the image of what I should be or have: taller, thinner, more outgoing, happier, fitter, bigger boobs, smaller ass, tighter jeans, cuter shoes, tinier swimsuits, lots of dates or a sweet and attractive boyfriend, dreams of a high-powered career, three kids, and a loving husband. This is a single round hole, I'm a square peg, and, therefore, I've felt bad about myself for going on 12 years now...
I think I might be the only woman on this campus who doesn't want a boyfriend.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/5/09

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Things that suck about my life:

-Try as I might, and despite being reaffirmed that I am a "Good Guy," I can't get a date.
-Try as I might, I can spend hours on an assignment and still fail it.
-My parents want to micromanage my life to the point where they know my grades before I do, because they check all of my UNC stuff (email, blackboard, etc)

Things about my life that don't suck
-My friends actually care about me, and they know how much I hate myself. Without them, I honestly don't know if I could wake up each day.
I hate that I am "fat" by media/celebrity standards. I weigh 130 pounds. I shouldn't feel bad about that.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/4/09

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I am single, have a bitchy roommate, am still in the closet to my parents, worry that one of my good friends has a crush on me, haven't had sex in over six months, and have had three days of schoolwork and midterms pile up because I've been sick. I have a severe form of amnesia, and my best friend has been halfway across the world for the past year.

And yet I'm completely content with my life. When I read this website, I sometimes feel bad being happy when there are so many sad little secrets out there. But maybe I'm not the one with the problem.
I tolerate but secretly loathe it when people say "You're a girl, you can get a guy whenever you want to." If it was that easy, I wouldn't be alone my entire life.
This is a conversation I've put off with my parents for a long while...

"Hi mom, I have a boyfriend. I love him. Hi dad, I don't really want to be a surgeon. I don't really want to work with you in the operating room."

Monday, March 2, 2009

I want to sleep for days. I'm so tired that I can hardly stand it. From the moment that I wake up, the only thing I want to do is go back to sleep.
I felt like such a waste of space that I ended up screaming and crying in my car. You were the only person that I wanted to talk to, but you were the reason that I was crying. And I can't stand it anymore.
Last night, I drank two beers as fast as I could just so that I could get drunk and feel less shitty about myself. It worked for the first part -- the second one, not so much.
I wish you weren't so scared of trying to make this work. At the same time, I wish I would stop pushing it because I'm so afraid of losing you.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/2/09

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I have waited for so long to hear those words….the same words I wanted to whisper to you every single night. And now that you said them, I am so lost. I am happy, sad, confused and so fucking scared. I keep telling myself I will finally get over you, and I can’t. And I convince myself you can’t love me, and then you make me think there just might be a possibility. And I’m lost. I’m lost just as much as you are. But…if you would let me, I would love you every single moment of my life.
I am so utterly broken...and NO ONE knows it. It hurts to much to go through this all alone.