Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I let you think I'm so into you but really I'm not. Don't get me wrong - I was.... Still am a little bit... But babe, you're so young and naive. Full of horomones. You want one thing and you think I'm going to give it to you. You don't even want to date me though. Why on earth would I want to do that if you don't respect me enough to be with me? I know that you really are a great guy and you're trying to live a good life but the way you act around me and the things you want to do don't really live up to that. I know that I don't help the situations, but you should learn to control yourself.
I pretend to come and check my email, when really I come just to see you.
I used to regret forgiving you.

Now that I've gotten away from you, I don't feel so bad about it any more. But I have no doubt that as soon as you decide to contact me again, I'll wish I hadn't just cut it off for good.
Even though I know the truth about you, and I know what kind of things you do, I can't help it. I'm in love with you.
I will never understand what happened or why you let it happen so fast. I'm sorry if you think I've been playing mind games, it's just been a struggle to regain clarity and stability in how I think about you...and the more time that passes the less I have either.

I also think that "things happen for a reason" is total bullshit and you believe it because you're afraid of the alternative.
i miss you
it hurts to think about you and about how i let you leave
Here's my secret:
I was abused. I was raped. I was hit.
He tried to take my life.
I cried every day for two years.
I live every day in fear of seeing this man again.
I can't even sleep because there he is, haunting my dreams.
I only let people think that my anti-depressant drugs are working.
That sweet little blonde girl you see laughing all over campus?
That's me.
the other times i've come here to post the picture hasn't been up yet.

probably because it was the middle of the night when no one else is awake but i'm sitting there too afraid of the dark to sleep or go anywhere.
I have the biggest crush on 4 out of 7 people in my suite. Let me tell you, being gay in a suite full of hot straight men is not easy!

Contribute to the Daily Pictures

If you have a photo you would like to submit for use as the daily picture, email it to uncchsecrets@gmail.com.

The only pictures that will definitely be considered are photographs taken on campus or around Chapel Hill which
  • show no recognizable faces
  • are of a reasonable size
  • are inoffensive (Obviously, this is subjective. A good rule of thumb: submit what would deeply offend your dear old grandma but only make your parents mildly uncomfortable.)
For now, we will also consider non-photographic images that follow the above guidelines.

We look forward to hearing from you.
I'm sorry that I've cheated on you with two other guys.
I wish that I understood you more. I wish that you were more open and direct about your feelings with me. Sometimes I question whether or not you're using just to hook up and not feel guilty but the other times I feel like I'm the only one that matters.
It's taken me almost 2 years and dating three other guys, but I'm finally over you!
You don't have to let me love you, but I will still always try.
I may not be as strong as I think, but I'm stronger than you think.
I often get crushes on more than one person at once. It pulls me apart. What should I do?
Today would have been our anniversary, but instead of celebrating our love, I'm now forced to forget you.
The last time I texted you out of desperation and you refused to see me, I was really really drunk. I just wanted to tell you how much I regret knowing you exist.
sometimes i think i'm losing my mind. this is not a melodramatic my-ever-stressful-college-world-is-crashing-down kind of insanity; there are times i honestly think my grip on reality is slipping. i just feel like others can't possibly process things the way my mind does.
I told everyone it didn't bother me.

guess what?

it does. it fucking sucks, and every time they bring it up, I want to scream.

Comment here to submit a secret 3/25/2008

the rumors are true.
i love you.