Friday, June 13, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/14/08

I finally feel fulfilled and happy with my work for the first time in my life. My faith in humanity has been restored. It's such a good feeling!
I want to be skinny so badly. I walk around thinking about how many calories I'm burning and when I can eat again. When I do eat, I eat so much it hurts...then feel guilty. I want to be better and eat normally, but I'm terrified of being fat.
It's easier when I'm drunk.
I love you more with every moment, and I can never be with you long enough. You're everything good. We talked everything through, and I was happy.

So why can't I stop thinking about it, what you said a few weeks ago? Why does it [still] hurt to think that, maybe, you aren't straight?
I don't want to go back to UNC next semester. This summer made me realize I'm burned out and getting a little indifferent. I will reclaim some inspiration before August. I have so much to appreciate and don't want to take it for granted...