Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm just as scared as you are, the only difference is I'm willing to take a chance on us. Why aren't you?
I'm beginning to worry I may be turning into a stalker. Not just on facebook, but in real life.
It might make me feel better when people tell me everyone considers my ex a jerk, if it wasn't for the fact that I already got used to him being one.

Even after a year, I wish I was still being torn down by him, because I loved the boy that came back to apologize.
i hate my roommate
I can't wait till August!!!
My two best friends are people that I am in love with but can't date. One isn't single and I just know the other couldn't think of me that way. It is both a blessing and a curse - I have the people I admire the most at my side, but I tortured daily because I see the people I am in love with but know nothing will come of it.
It feels like it’s happening again.
I’m excited but I’m fucking scared too that I’ll be hurt again.
I’ve gotta find out soon though.
I hate that I read juicy campus everyday.
you looked SO cute today! I wanted to tell you so badly.
Today during class I mentally inventoried the objects on my person, figuring out how I could kill myself with each and every one.
credit card.
cell phone.
These are the first suicidal thoughts I have ever had.
Please don’t graduate and leave. I can’t tell you how much I will miss you. You have come to mean so much to me.
I really hope you do something awful so that I can have a good reason to break up with you before summer starts.
I can't help but wonder...if I left for a year, would you care? Would you even miss me? Would you look forward to my return?
I have a crush on my best friend and she doesn't like me in that way. She doesn't know that I am attracted to her because I'm afraid that if I tell her, she will never hang out with me again Now she's with someone. It gets way worse.... he's a douche bag. He is such a douche bag that he could be used to clear out Rosie O'Donnell's vagina. Sure I may be biased, but he IS so full of himself. If he were a nice guy, I would be sad, but I wouldn't be angry.

This sucks so much. I am either going to end up without a friend, or having to deal with this asshole and all the praise I hear about his greatness.
[...] I'm miserable.
I stare at everything. Clouds. Trees. People. Cars. Birds. Food. Everything. All I want to do is trade places with it all, so I don't have to deal with the suffering and frustration that comes with being me.
Why does everything have to involve Eve? I understand how we can't ignore it but it's still upsetting to see her name in the DTH and everything associated with her death. I don't want us to forget, I just don't think it should be a focus for everything. It's hard enough as it is without constant reminders.
I get sad every time I see a VW bug now because of our endless game of Punch Buggy. I think I ultimately won, but after losing you, I'd rather have taken a thousand punches on the arm.
Graduation is less than a month away, and I'm terrified to leave Carolina. Can someone PLEASE make time slow down? There's so much left I have to do...
I only brush my teeth once a day because I'm too drunk at night to remember.
I just want to be held.
I just can't do it anymore. It hurts every time we hang out and I know we will never be together. I wish you felt the same way I did.
Every time I slip up and tell you something personal about myself, I feel sick. It hurts knowing that trusting you is stupid.
I finally figured it out! I'm an attention-whore.... I need people to be interested in me...and STAY interested in me, in order for any kind of relationship to work. I have a hard time staying interested in people who don't care about me at all.

Comment here to submit a secret 4/16/08

I wish I had a plan, any plan, as to what I'm going to do with myself after this semester. I'm not even a senior, I'm a sophomore. But I'm having to leave here because I'm not good enough academically and I guess I never will be. Now I can't even get into community colleges because so many deadlines have passed. I hate having wasted my parents money going here, and I hate the feeling that I've disappointed them even more. Why didn't I just stay home and find another path to my dreams?