Sunday, July 12, 2009

I have a huge crush on one of the professors in the department I work in. He is intelligent, handsome, and kind. He is also way older than I am and married with kids. *sigh!*
I'm terrified that all my friends secretly dislike me. Wouldn't be the first time.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm terrified that all my friends secretly dislike me. Wouldn't be the first time.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I can't handle your baggage; I have problems of my own. I need a girl who can offer me some stability. Good luck sorting your life out.

Three therapists, two psychiatrists, and a year and a half later, I'm still suicidal and more alone than ever before. Will you ever let me go?

I hooked up with my ex boyfriends roommate last night - and I don't regret it at all. The only thing I regret is not meeting him first.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I doubt we will be friends when we return in August. Your selfishness and jealousy have finally driven me away. I've finally outgrown you, and I'm proud of that.

Because you're my best friend, I don't want to be the one to tell you that that woman is leading you on. I just hope you'll figure it out before you get your heart broken.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Everybody I know has awesome internships. I'm stuck at home and depressed. There's absolutely nobody I can tell, either.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

This summer, for the first time in my life, I'll be completely on my own. I'm terrified.

Job 19:19

all I've managed to do since leaving school is eat, sleep, watch tv, and masturbate. What the hell will I do when I graduate next year?
You were the first friend I made at UNC, and I'll always love you for that, but over the years I've watched you make so many selfish/hurtful decisions… The way you treat other people isn't right.

I love you, but I'm losing the ability to respect you. Please - stop before it's too late.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Theoretically, I should be ecstatic. I'm about to start the job I wanted, in the city I wanted to live in.

Don't get me wrong, I know how fortunate I am. I'm just really sad to be moving away from all the friends who have become more like family to me than some of my actual family members.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm really going to miss this place...

I can't find a date. I'm a pretty good looking girl, if only guys wouldn't look me over.

If only they knew how much I love giving blow jobs.

But, I'm also a polite lady, so how the heck would I advertise that?

I guess I'll just have to wait for a guy to figure it out spontaneously

You are soon going to have it within your power to hurt my feelings very deeply. Please don't.

I feel like everybody takes advantage of me telling them personal things. It's made me wonder how many real friends I have. Now I can't trust anyone. Thanks a lot.

I'm still trying. But more than anything, I just want to give up, and I wish you all could let me go.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 5/18/09

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I'm so in love with you, it's unreal. We've been friends for ages. Not the best of friends, but we've always shared the same passions and ideas and jokes. You were always away with her though, and I was always away with him. Now we are suddenly both single, in the same place, and one night, we saw each other differently. You made my heart race faster than any guy ever has before. You made me blush when you looked at me the next day, and everyone else said you blushed too as I turned away. What happened? How did it happen? I don't care. I just know it did happen, and now I'm the happiest person in the world!! You are so amazing, and you bring out so much in me. You make me want to do things that I never thought I could do. You're going to make me a better person, and I thank you already for just planting the ideas in my head. I can't wait to be home for summer, because you'll be there. I am counting down the days!
I love you so much, but I won't tell you just yet. :)
I'm starting to hate you. I can't believe it came to this.
The pills are making me apathetic to personal problems I used to obsess about. I love it. I've never felt more free.
God must be a sadist, to have sent something so wonderful into my life that I can absolutely never have. I need to grow up and stop breaking my heart against you.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I hope you think of me sometimes. That's what I want, to not be forgotten entirely. I think about you every day and I'd hate to think I'm in this alone.

I said someone else's name last night while we were having sex. I don't know if you noticed or not.

I'm falling for you. And I'm in the right mind to actually do something about it. I'm back, and it feels so good. I hope you're ready!

this entire year, i tried to make you love me. today, i decided to stop, and i have never felt more optimistic and happier about myself. i'll miss you though.

There is a song that I can't listen to anymore. Because one time, while it was playing, you looked into my eyes and I looked into yours...and the combination of the music's crescendo and your beautiful blue eyes, so happy to be looking at mine...I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude and love. Then, a week later you decided that we can't see eachother.

I know how pathetic this will sound.

But I want a boyfriend. I am finally at a place where I can begin to trust guys, where are you all?

I don't want to be alone this summer in Chapel Hill.

Every time I think I've found one, I am let down horribly.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Every now and then I am seized by a feeling of complete and utter loneliness. It's horrifying to feel isolated in a room full of people - of friends. Yes, I'm naturally touchy and flirty, but sometimes I really just need someone else to be there. There's no hidden message behind it; I just don't want to deal with the void.

I only started flirting with you cause I wanted something from you but I can't tell a difference any more.

I thought about killing myself last week. I got a B on a major assignment, thought about my post-college plans being threatened by my mediocre GPA, and seriously, for the first time in my life, considered it for about 2 seconds.

I'm worried that if my relationship does eventually fail for good, it'll be sometime after next year when all my friends are gone.

I had a dream last night where he came and made love to me while I slept. It was so vivid. It brought back all kinds of things I wish I could forget about. When I woke up, I was terrified. I wish I'd dreamed about something else.

I love you. I always have. And I'm sorry if I overstep my bounds. It's unintentional, and I only do it because I care for you.

I'm tired. I'm more tired than I have ever been.

I say I don't care if you hook up with other people, but I know I would cry if I found out that you did. I know we're not "dating", but it's not because I wouldn't. Please don't hurt me.
Every time I read the secrets on this site, I always want to edit them for grammar and spelling.
I am a binge eater. Nobody knows-- not even my closest friends. I feel powerless to stop it. I want to stop hating myself. You may know me...I'm the girl who's smiling on the outside but crying on the inside.
We were in an English class together but we've never spoken. You used to bring a fresh pack of gum and chew through the entire contents in one sitting. You are strikingly beautiful yet painfully thin. Sometimes, when I'm wasting time on facebook, I come across your pictures and cannot help but notice you wasting away. More and more, I think my suspicions are correct. Do your friends notice? Are you seeking help? I just want you to know that I think about you and that I hope you're okay.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 4/27/09

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I think I might just go to you. I know you keep saying to do what's best for me, but to be honest, you might be what's best for me.
Just found out I've been stabbed in the back for a while now by my "best friend". Great.
I am unhappy pretty much all the time, but I can't bring myself to go to a counselor or take antidepressants, because treating it as something chemical would somehow cheapen or discount the fact that what you did to me was hurtful. "Oh, it's not my fault she's sad, it's just something wrong with her."
I guess it's not possible to have a great relationship with your ex-. One I can't get along with, the other can't help but constantly and tactlessly slip into conversations that they're actively flirting and looking around....and they're the one who wanted to end our 'ship.

Can I just date someone, break up with them, and have it be A okay? Please?
I love you. I wish I could express the depth of this feeling, to convince you to trust me and take a chance with me. But it turns out, love is not all you need.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 4/21/09

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I was the bigger person, and you were not. I'd like some credit now, please.

Why isn't anything good enough?

For some reason, I can't shake the feeling that you somehow enjoy seeing me fail or come up short.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I had way too much food today and my stomach wasn't sitting well with it. I tried to make myself throw up, but it didn't work. I almost feel disappointed.
I first got into the sport I am in to hide the bruises my step dad gave me.

Now I continue to hide the ones you give me.
Dear amazingly adorable couple in the Daily Grind,

We've never spoken. I don't know who you are. But seeing you two together makes my day everytime I see you. You are so lost in each other and it helps me remember that love really does exist. I haven't seen you in a while, but I just want to say thank you, both of you, for giving the rest of us hope.
A few days ago, my cousin showed me how to perform perfect fellatio... on the gear shift lever in her BMW. It's probably one of the most useful things she's taught me. I just wish I had the chance to practice on something other than a car.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I miss you when you're not around. I don't know if I have feelings for you or not, but I definitely know that I miss you when you're not around.
I have spurts where I truly don't care about being single. And then something random and seemingly meaningless happens and it hits me like a truck. I hate being lonely.
I really want to order or buy a vibrator, but I'm afraid I'll never get a chance to use it: what if my roommates hear it through the walls?

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 4/12/09

Friday, April 10, 2009

Occasionally, I see two people in a blissful and healthy relationship. Most of the time, I see people in much less than that. Honestly, those few good relationships give me hope to stop settling for less and that maybe one day I'll meet that person for me.
After this, I don't know if I can take anymore failure. I barely managed to hold myself together this week. And this has influenced everything: my friendships, my ability to do well at work and in class.
It's personal. I don't care what you, or anyone else says. I blame you, and I WILL hold this against you.
I hate running into you randomly. At one in the morning walking through campus, on Franklin Street after the celebration, just around campus in throws me off guard. The worst part is that you don't even see me back. You are so fucking oblivious - live outside of your head for once.
I unexpectedly had a dream about finding myself waking up in a bed with you, both of us naked and quietly spooning and making love.

Seriously one of the best dreams I've ever had. Now break up with your boyfriend, best friend, and let me give it a shot.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dear BFF,
You are kind of a bitch sometimes.
Love, BFF
When I ask you what "we" are, the one thing I want to hear is that you want to be with me in a serious way. You are right, of course, about not getting serious too fast, but I can't help myself around you.
Last night you really scared me when I said no to sex because you were too drunk, and you proceeded to hold me down and keep going. I almost panicked, but you let me go almost immediately, and I know you would never hurt me like that. It's just that I think you should know, that thing that you asked me about that I wouldn't admit to the other day, here it is: I was raped at 16. So please, please, please, be more careful next time, because it's too much for me.
It often scares me how attached to you I am already. When you are even just out of reach, I feel the urge to get closer to you. I want to kiss you constantly. I want to be with you all the way. I know it's pretty complicated right now, but I promise it won't be like this for much longer. 4 more months.
I saw you roll your eyes when I was upset and you thought I wasn't looking.
I have been listening to the new Taylor Swift CD nonstop. I like it because it reminds me of when I was more of an idealist.
I really am having a lot more fun ignoring you right now - now I know how you felt when you started ignoring me.
I will probably never be in a functional, lasting relationship,
because no matter how much my head may try to associate coupledom with happiness, security, support, love,
my heart associates it only with heartache and hurt,
and believes people can only be really happy and strong and safe and fully themselves
when they are alone.
I can't even really seem to be happy for my friends when they start going out.

Thanks, Mom and Dad.
I feel like Helen of bloody Troy for gay boys. They only talk to me when they want to get off, either by me coming over and having sex with them, or by talking dirty to them online.

I'M NOT INTERESTED. Try looking at other gay men as people rather than sex objects.
Sometimes I wish my ex would call me, just so I could have the pleasure of hanging up on him. I know revenge is a destructive feeling... but damn if that wouldn't feel good.
Jesus fuck you are a stupid, spiteful bitch. Thanks for reminding me why I could never really stand you.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 4/8/09

Thursday, April 2, 2009

I think I'm supposed to be happy for you, because that's what friends do, but I'm not.
I want to be the center of your world. I want you to want to be with me and spend time with me.

More than anything I just want a friend who can also love me.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Last year I submitted my secret that I was a sophomore and had no friends here. I'm almost a junior. I still don't have any.

I can be myself around everyone but you.

I know it's entirely unintentional, but you make me unhappy. The next time I talk to you will be the last. Sorry.
I get nervous thinking about the possibility you're flirting with other guys, much less hooking up with them. I don't miss the relationship and the stresses of it.....but I do miss you.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Every day, I think about kissing you. I hope that when I do, it won't make everything more difficult. Problem is -- I know it will.
I masturbate before every big basketball game for good luck (it really does seem to work). I'm not a member of the team though. Just a girl.
I'm tired of overthinking everything. I'm going to let my heart take control of romance.

There's no time for doubt, confusion, or analysis. I want to fall in love, and when I do, I want to FEEL it.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/30/09

Friday, March 27, 2009

I officially gave up on you a while ago, but being honest, I'm still in love with you, and I won't back down.
I feel like everyone is leaving me. But maybe I'm just standing still.
I am sick and tired of being single. I've done it my entire life; I'm good at being single. Time to try something different.
Whenever I'm in my friends' rooms, I try to find a way to look at their jean sizes to see if mine are smaller.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I plan on marrying my best friend so he can get in state tuition.

But I secretly hope it works out.
I hope I did the right thing.
I am slowly but surely becoming the person I've always wanted to be--calm, disciplined, and even a little bit self-confident. It's exhilarating.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I am so close to giving up. I'm honestly not sure how I get through the days.
I'm already falling in love with just the idea of 'us'.

I'm glad you've shed your insecurities and hesitations to embrace how happy we are when we're together.
I think I'm ready to put myself out there again. I want to try to find someone who will make me happy. Someone worth risking my heart for. But I don't want to tell my friends, and I can't figure out why.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

I secretly love getting caught while I'm making out with someone!
I read an article that said that people who didn't fall in love when they were young were more likely to be in a successful relationship later. You supposedly have more realistic expectations because you aren't expecting it to be as intense as your first love. This doesn't comfort me, it makes me worry that I'll never have those irrational and head over heels feelings.
I just met the best most amazing girl. I haven't thought of anything but her since we met. I also just found out she lives with her girlfriend of over two years. Guess she really WAS too good to be real.
I met someone else. And they're great, they really are. But they don't compare. They don't even come close.

So I think I'm starting to understand: for you, I'm the one who can't compare.

It hurts, and I hate it. But I get it. And I'm sorry; I'd give the world if it meant you didn't have to miss someone else the way that I miss you.
I wish I wasn't such a boring person. Everyone else always seems to know what to say. I don't know if I'm bland or if being quiet is ok.
I've never done any real community service, or taken advantage of all the chances to help at UNC. That makes me feel horrible, and I am going to change it.
Just when things were getting good, you had to get all passive-aggressive on me. It really hurt. I'm hoping, for both of our sakes, I don't see or talk to you for a while. If we do, I hope you feel bitter. I don't want to feel that way, but the way you reacted towards me, I really can't help it.
I know I will probably have to speak to you again at some point, but here's the truth: I don't want to, and I'm going to avoid it where I can. At this point, I don't even know what I would say to you. I guess it's a pretty good thing that you don't want to talk to me, either.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/23/09

Friday, March 20, 2009

I've been talking to the most amazing guy, but a cruel twist of fate has probably ended any chance of a relationship. Sometimes it feels like Romeo and Juliet. Only we're not 14 and we're still alive.

I want a soulmate.

You asked me once if you'd ever hurt me. I laughed and told you no. I said I'd hurt myself and it wasn't your fault. It was the second time I've ever lied to you. Yes, you hurt me. We never had the type of relationship I wanted; we never kissed, never dated, never did anything beyond friendship. It wasn't like you cheated on me, but it hurt to see you throw yourself at every single guy you met except me. I'm glad I was never one of your meaningless hook-ups, we probably wouldn't be such great friends now if I had been, but I haven't been able to stop wondering what's wrong with me. You picked scumbags over me, and, yeah, that hurt.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My best friend doesn't believe I'm close to a mental breakdown because it doesn't seem that way to her. The truth is, she's the only person keeping it from happening.
I'm sorry, but I'm not sorry. I didn't really want to be friends with you anymore anyway. It wasn't worth it.
p.s. you could have hit me if you wanted. I can take it... and I could take you
I'm not moving on or letting go, but simply accepting the fact that you can't and never will want to be more than friends. I hope to god its going to work this time, because I know I can't fall for you again and have my heart shattered one more time.
I thought I was doing so much better over spring break and thinking about you less and less.

It turns out it was just being in a different place. Everything about Chapel Hill reminds me of you. I miss being with you.

Monday, March 16, 2009

I don't fit in with my group of friends anymore. It seems like they only have mean things to say to me.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/16/09

Sunday, March 15, 2009

NYC was supposed to be our spring break trip - you took it with her instead.
tonight I lost all faith in gay men... all of them.. I tried so hard to give you everything, give you a chance to show me that you of all people were not like the rest of them... I defended you in front of all of them, and you still let me down... I never want to date again because of you

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I read FML way too much - numerous times a day - and I get disappointed when they haven't updated it. It makes me feel so much better about my life!

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/12/09

I'm not voting for Anoop.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm tired of random hookups and pretending that I can keep my emotions out of it. I just want to meet a nice guy who wants a serious relationship. Where are you?
You are the kind of guy that I have waited for most of my life to fall in love with. You are kind, sweet, caring, and you love to see me smile. Now if only you could get past flaking out on 75% of our plans (that you mostly initiate), I think we would have the time of our lives, in a relationship or not.
a few months after we broke up I had a short fling with your best friend.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Because of my ex, I am now completely re-evaluating every belief that I used to hold and becoming stronger in my convictions than ever before. I'm completely grateful to him, and only hope that I had some sort of effect on his life, too. A part of me wants me to tell him all of this, but the other part of me thinks that he wouldn't care.... just like always.
I was so flattered when you said you thought I had my shit together... but the truth is, I really don't. At all. I may know what I want in a lot of ways, but knowing what you want is absolutely useless when you have no idea where to find it.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

My girlfriend left for her spring break trip with a bunch of her friends. Including some guys she's hooked up with in the past. I haven't heard from her all day, and I'm worried about what may be going on...

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/9/09

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I HATE Carrboro.
You asked me why I was living so far away next year. I told you I couldn't afford Chapel Hill. Truth is that I'm living with him next year, and it's easier for both of us being half way. I'm not going to tell you the truth, you'll find out eventually.
I miss you sometimes. Sometimes I want to talk to you more, but I have to hold myself back because I'm finally okay with where we are. I'm afraid that if I talk to you more, it might ruin both of our new relationships.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I like you, I know you at least realize that my feelings for you exist, but I'm like 99.99% sure that you do not reciprocate my feelings. I am not the kind of person to come out and tell you how I feel, and I am not going to stop liking you. I wish you would give me a sign to just give up on you because I won't until I know for sure that we don't have a chance at being together.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My girlfriend has loved me since before we started dating. She's the sweetest, nicest, most intelligent, amazing person I've ever met, and I feel like the luckiest guy on campus because I'm with her.

Since being with her, I've felt extremely content and validated, but have not acquired the joy I've felt in other relationships. I want nothing more than to feel that joy and longing for her in this relationship, but it hasn't come yet. Maybe my last one broke me. I've never broken anyone's heart before, but I feel like it's inevitable, and like people here and elsewhere would want to smack me for entertaining the thought of throwing away someone so special.

Maybe I did deserve to have my heart broken.
I only met her once. I only spoke with her for about 5 minutes. She then gave a presentation about Carolina -- "excellence with a heart." And I still miss Eve.
Eve Carson day depresses me. If I died, there would be no campus-wide mourning ceremony, no Daily Tar Heel spread, no speeches by the chancellor. Nobody would give a shit.
I need you to stop being so on again/off again with him. I want to prove to you that when you're with the right person, relationships are great!
I really believe that if the media didn't bitch about the economy so much, the economy would be better.
Media, movies, and tv dont only make me feel fat; they make me feel like a social failure. Since childhood they have ingrained in me the image of what I should be or have: taller, thinner, more outgoing, happier, fitter, bigger boobs, smaller ass, tighter jeans, cuter shoes, tinier swimsuits, lots of dates or a sweet and attractive boyfriend, dreams of a high-powered career, three kids, and a loving husband. This is a single round hole, I'm a square peg, and, therefore, I've felt bad about myself for going on 12 years now...
I think I might be the only woman on this campus who doesn't want a boyfriend.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/5/09

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Things that suck about my life:

-Try as I might, and despite being reaffirmed that I am a "Good Guy," I can't get a date.
-Try as I might, I can spend hours on an assignment and still fail it.
-My parents want to micromanage my life to the point where they know my grades before I do, because they check all of my UNC stuff (email, blackboard, etc)

Things about my life that don't suck
-My friends actually care about me, and they know how much I hate myself. Without them, I honestly don't know if I could wake up each day.
I hate that I am "fat" by media/celebrity standards. I weigh 130 pounds. I shouldn't feel bad about that.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/4/09

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I am single, have a bitchy roommate, am still in the closet to my parents, worry that one of my good friends has a crush on me, haven't had sex in over six months, and have had three days of schoolwork and midterms pile up because I've been sick. I have a severe form of amnesia, and my best friend has been halfway across the world for the past year.

And yet I'm completely content with my life. When I read this website, I sometimes feel bad being happy when there are so many sad little secrets out there. But maybe I'm not the one with the problem.
I tolerate but secretly loathe it when people say "You're a girl, you can get a guy whenever you want to." If it was that easy, I wouldn't be alone my entire life.
This is a conversation I've put off with my parents for a long while...

"Hi mom, I have a boyfriend. I love him. Hi dad, I don't really want to be a surgeon. I don't really want to work with you in the operating room."

Monday, March 2, 2009

I want to sleep for days. I'm so tired that I can hardly stand it. From the moment that I wake up, the only thing I want to do is go back to sleep.
I felt like such a waste of space that I ended up screaming and crying in my car. You were the only person that I wanted to talk to, but you were the reason that I was crying. And I can't stand it anymore.
Last night, I drank two beers as fast as I could just so that I could get drunk and feel less shitty about myself. It worked for the first part -- the second one, not so much.
I wish you weren't so scared of trying to make this work. At the same time, I wish I would stop pushing it because I'm so afraid of losing you.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 3/2/09

Sunday, March 1, 2009

I have waited for so long to hear those words….the same words I wanted to whisper to you every single night. And now that you said them, I am so lost. I am happy, sad, confused and so fucking scared. I keep telling myself I will finally get over you, and I can’t. And I convince myself you can’t love me, and then you make me think there just might be a possibility. And I’m lost. I’m lost just as much as you are. But…if you would let me, I would love you every single moment of my life.
I am so utterly broken...and NO ONE knows it. It hurts to much to go through this all alone.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

An amazing friend just gave me Phase 1 tickets for the game and there isn't a single person who I want to bring who would take me if they won the tickets.
I always speculate as to whether or not my best friend from home would approve of potential love interests. If I don't think so, I tend to shy away.
I'm not afraid to leave UNC because I'm scared of the real world, but because I'm afraid I'll stop learning and stagnate.
Sometimes I worry about how far I'd be willing to go for an A. That would test my ethics most at this point in my life.
So does sex last night mean we are going to stop speaking as much? I know it wasn't the best or anything, but I'm willing if you are to chalk it up to it being the first time and thus a little awkward. Either way, I take it personally when you don't talk to me all day, even though I called and texted you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I miss you too, and I'm not sure how I'm going to get over you again.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/25/09

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I can feel myself turning into a different person. I'm not sure if I like that person or not. I'm just worried that I'm making my friends angry. But at the same time... I figure that if they really care, they'll accept me. If not, I'm better without them. I hope.
I think I'm slipping into depression...again.
I miss you more than you can imagine... and way more than I should.
I am currently being diagnosed, for alas, something has suddenly gone wrong with my brain. I liked who I was before all this started, and I'm readjusting. But I am ruining many a relationship along the way. Innocents are getting wrapped up in my shit, and I'm sorry. I am sorry.

My boyfriend loves me and I think I can't love him back now. I'm going to have to lose him because of all this. And he's the best person I've been with so far. We have been best friends for a year. I miss that. I am going to crush him. I'm sorry for that too.
i find you fascinating, but shouldn't even think about you. i'm practically engaged. when i'm not with you, i think about you. when i am with you, i think about how it would be to touch you...i'm so torn.
It'd be so cool if a girl asked me out for once.
I have a year and 2 months left to tell my best girl friend that I'm in love with her. Wish me luck.
I've never been this scared in my life. Everything just happened at once and I'm on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Nobody is making me feel better either....they say things aren't that bad but I don't believe them. I'm smoking weed to just calm down.....I hope it doesn't become habitual.
every time I like a guy, he meets my room mate and likes her more. I end up being the middle man to try to get them together...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Someone in my family just passed away. I want to talk about life and death with someone but I can't do it without feeling horrible about myself, like I'm speaking in cliches and asking too much of the other person.
She says I'm all she ever wanted, but she keeps telling me I need to change, that I'm not doing things right, that I should act/do/be a different way...does she really love me, or am I just a safe place to be until a better catch comes along?
College boys infuriate me. I frequently think I would be better off dating women (I like both), but I'm afraid none of the cute bi/lesbian girls on campus would go out with me.
Ever since I got a glimpse at what you're really like, I knew you'd be watching my relationship, praying for it to fail, but you don't know anything about it, or him, so maybe stop before you find out something about us that'll really disappoint you.
I was so sure that I was right this time. And then all of a sudden, you made me feel like everything I had felt was completely unjustified, petty, and selfish. I can't believe that once again, you made me feel like I screwed up.
Why can't I stay mad at you??!
Today, i took the first steps towards accepting myself and being honest with you....and i'm finally starting to feel so free!
I wish I could find a girl who is dominant, adventurous, and intelligent. Unfortunately, all the girls I know who are like that are already my good friends.

Whenever I meet a girl, I almost immediately become the "good friend who also serves as a human shield from creepy guys," and thus lose my chance at anything more. It doesn't help that people always assume I'm gay. I just don't know how to talk to women.
i'm so fucking lonely. i just wish there were someone who cared about me and wanted to be with me so i wouldnt be crying alone on my couch right now. i wish i knew why i am crying and i wish i could stop.
I do love you and really want to be with you, but your "forever" and "the one for me" and "the best thing to ever happen to me" frankly scare me.

I'm sorry.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/19/09

Ironically, I am actually over you. It's funny though how you're falling into the exact same patterns that you had with me with your current guy but think there's a difference. I can't wait to laugh when it falls apart, and I don't care if it's bitter and "unhealthy" to still resent you.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My best friend uses me so much, and every time I feel that I've reached my breaking point, something draws me back into it. I just don't know when I'll be able to say stop.
Sometimes I wish that I would develop an eating disorder. Then sometimes I'm scared that I already have.
Bitches, grow a pair and tell me what the hell is going on. This isn't fucking middle school anymore.
I know that you don't want to do long distance, and to be honest, I don't either. But really! Look at what we're doing. I talk to you every day, I tell you everything, you know everything about me, I know that you love me and that I love you! So what if I haven't seen you in over a year. I'm yours, and you know it. Now just let me say that I love you!
Sometimes I just want to stop trying in school. Not hand in my mid-terms. Say "screw you, I have better things to do than write that paper. Like sleeping." But alas, and back to paper writing.
I wish that I could tell you how utterly disappointed in you I am at this moment. But, because I care so much about you, I probably will sugar coat it and pretend that what you just did didn't make cry.
I plan on having a high-powered career, but secretly dream of helping my future kids get ready for their school dances, and having a beautiful home that everyone wants to be in.
I wish I could get in a relationship, for once.
I don't know whether or not "The Jasmine Consensus" was actually a well-intentioned political pursuit, or just a bunch of people being really vindictive.
I never really learned how to make friends, so now I don't have any. I'm afraid I'll be alone all my life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I really don't like you at all. You're so selfish and you're thought process is incredibly warped if you think this is "awesome". I used to try to like you, because I thought you deserved it, but you don't and I can't get it through to you that you are a terrible person, short of telling you. But I'm scared if I do tell you, you'll just be upset and you'll never get over it. What do I do? Suffer in silence and painfully make conversation while avoiding your gaze, just so you don't cry, or tell you to leave me alone so I can live my life without you, but with the guilt of making you feel terrible about yourself. Now, it's at the point where I wish I'd just never met you, or at least you'd just take a hint and leave me be. Hey, I guess I can take comfort in the knowledge that soon enough, I'll never ever have to see you again.

i accidentally discovered your secret fetish, now i wish you'd open up to me about it so i could try it already

I read a lot of secrets on here about catching someone looking at someone else, but I know when I catch you looking at me, it's because you're hoping I don't want you for anything more than the sex, you're hoping I still want you for the sex, and you're hoping I won't tell anyone about any of it.

At least that's what I'm hoping.

Last night when you started snoring and faced the other way and I knew you were really asleep, I was big spoon like always, and I whispered "I love you". I dont know if it's true or not, but I think I will just keep whispering it until I feel like you would hold eye contact with me after I said it out loud.

dear roommate,
every time you piss me off, I eat some of your food. So next time you wonder where those chips went, it's because it never occurred once to you to invite me to that basketball game. (really? didn't we used to be friends? oh well...)

When I sing along to Britney's "Womanizer," I picture myself singing it to you. Maybe that's unfair of me. But it's just who you are, baby...

I know I broke your heart before and that I'm probably going to do it again this time....I just really want to give this a try (legitimately)....there's so much I like about you.

I have a boyfriend, and we have talked about how impossible it would be for me to break it off. Still, you are on my mind basically all the time, especially after Friday and how amazing it felt to be with you like that, even just for the two hours we had.

I did it partly out of altruism, out of the idea of giving love and expecting nothing in return. And it was a nice feeling. But I also did it to impress you. please come to my room tomorrow so that I might give you the rose I intended for you. Because if I am ever happy, if my life is at all good now, it is because of you, and once you're out of my life I honestly don't know what I'm going to do.

I hate myself. I'll never be loved.

I am beginning to realize that all the time and money I have spent on drinking was a total waste of my life
I know we broke up, but I kind of just want to spend Valentine's Day with you. But I also know that would be really bad for both of us after the fact.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I met this guy, but he's 6 years older than me! I'm afraid hes told old for me and will pressure me...
I know we broke up, but I kind of just want to spend Valentine's Day with you. But I also know that would be really bad for both of us after the fact.
You genuinely hurt my feelings last night. I didn't know you disliked me so much. I don't know if I should have fired off a come back or talked to you about it.
i think about what it would be like to have sex with you all the time

Friday, February 13, 2009

You're the last one that I want to speak to when I go to sleep, and the first one I want to hear when I wake up. I love you.

Now choose me.
My tampon was bothering me this afternoon. No wonder -- when I went to deal with it, turns out I had two (super plus) tampons in. What the hell, vagina? I feel like that shouldn't even be possible for a virgin.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/13/09

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm beginning to realize that I can do a lot better than you, and all that stuff you did to me wasn't worth the time i spent crying over it. I have never felt so free or so happy.

I'm more lonely than I've ever been. It's scary.

I feel like i am always there for my friends. But when it's my turn, no one is there for me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I never thought I would miss my hometown very much after I left. But today, all I want to do is go back. There's something about the air outside. And if I close my eyes, I can see myself there again. I wish I could go home.
Once, last year, I got drunk alone in my dorm room. I couldn't sleep and was feeling depressed and it was there so I did it. I don't think I'd do it again, but I can't forget it happened.
Everyone I meet has a girlfriend. I have at least three couples on waiting to break up standby, and they never do. It's depressing.
Sometimes I don't know the difference between being idealistic and delusional. That scares me a lot.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/11/09

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From the Moderators

Dear Loyal Readers,

We appreciate all of the secrets that you have trusted to our site. We would encourage you to re-read the "How It Works," "The Idea," and "Warning Label" on the side of the page to refresh our collective memories as to what the goals of this site are.

Let us try to remain supportive and keep within the spirit of PostSecret.

Thanks so much,
The Moderators.
When I liked someone else, I wrote a few songs, as I like to do, and they were mediocre at best. Since meeting, and falling in love with you, I can't remember the last day I didn't work on at least one song about you, and these songs are much better. Thank you for being my muse, and I intend to tell you what you mean to me on saturday. Love You.
I think it's ironic that girls bitch about guys liking more "feminine" girls who actually show a certain level of needing the guy in their life, and how some guys don't find it attractive when girls try so hard to be so hard-nosed independent from anyone(like, straight-up feminist).

But when a guy isn't a prick and he isn't macho, and doesn't drink and party and can actually speak in coherent sentences, and if he shows the slightest inclination of perhaps wanting you around, suddenly he's a "nice guy" who you're just friends with, even though he's the one who's most likely to take a bullet for you, and still keep alive long enough to make sure you've gotten away.
At the end of the day I'm all about abstinence, but there are so many times where I seriously just want to go out and make a girl's wildest fantasies come true, and have the satisfaction of knowing I did.
I've looked back and realized (and have been told) that the vast majority of my female friends were pretty into me. It's rather interesting to know, and yet even so, I still struggle to believe that it's possible.
I still want you. I wish I didn't. Every time I think about it, I feel a little sick inside.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Sometimes I wish I could just sleep with other people. My friend does it so casually, and I'm so horny! I just can't do that, though. I need to really know and trust the person. Dammit.
I hate asking my roommate for money, but she totally owes me $50.
Suddenly, despite all of the shit, I find myself missing you. I don't want you back... I just want someone to talk to, and I miss what we had.
I've ignored other secrets you've let slip lately, but this time it's tougher for me to do that. I just don't understand why you thought it was okay to tell someone else something like that.

I'm not going to get on your case about it, though. I love you and I know you mean well.
When you came out to me, you talked about how scared you've been your entire life and you said I couldn't understand how much it hurts not to be able to be who you are inside.
You were wrong.
I still have trouble believing he is as "completely in love with me" as he claims. My secret problems like this are secretly destroying our relationship and I hope I can fix my inhibitions before its too late because I at least know I want both of us to feel that way, and I think we do.
I'm working out, dieting and losing weight the right way. I feel great! I haven't nearly reached my goals yet, but I know I'm on the way. One of them is to be in a lot better shape than when we dated, and who you currently do. Thanks for that extra edge of motivation!
I don't care about the student body president race. I just don't. I hate it when you come to my dorm room (Didn't housing prohibit this?), I hate it when you bother me as I try to go to Lenoir, and I even ripped my jacket on one of the A-frames in the pit this weekend. I'm voting for Hallie Lipsey.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/9/09

Sunday, February 8, 2009

While I recognize that I have a ton of time left and that I'm probably at least somewhere around average-looking, I worry every day that I'll die a virgin.
My friend just asked me for my leftover painkillers to sell so that they could make ends meet, giving me some of the profit. Part of me finds it despicable, and part of me could really use the extra cash.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ever since I was raped, I have stopped caring about who I have sex with. I'm secretly hoping that one will realize I am the girl they have been hoping to find and that they will love me.
I hate how cynical I've become toward men in college.
it broke my heart, too

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/7/09

I was the one who put up the fake SBP A-frame in the pit, and no one even suspects me.

I judge people who wear Uggs.

I'm in pain all the time, have doubts about my own abilities, and can't pipe up to the girl I've fallen for. But I realize now that I'm loved no matter what, and that life is a beautiful thing. I'm (and hope you do, too) going to seize it!

Friday, February 6, 2009

I haven't had sex in almost 2.5 years, and I'm really okay with it.
Sometimes I steal food from places that I think are over charging.
Sometimes, I use your shampoo and conditioner. Sorry.
the only thing that gets me through the day is seeing you
Yes, you were in my class last semester, too. Yes, I see you looking over at me, and yes I look back. So talk to me already!
I have a huge crush on you. Seeing you makes me lighter on my feet. Even though it won't ever come to anything, thanks for making my life just a little bit happier.
I wish God would send me a sign of what I'm supposed to do next year.
I know I complain a lot, but I LOVE life right now...for the first time in a long time I'm seeing the beauty in everything again!

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/6/09

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Next time I piss you off, tell me. Because hearing it through channels just pisses me off, and it gets worse.
you know those intellectual crushes? where you're drawn to someone because they're so smart and confident about it? I have one on you, you should know.
You say you love my laugh, and I can make you laugh, which in turn makes me laugh. I never feel closer to you than when we are laughing.
For a sociopath, I'm way too nice to people. When they think we're friends, it just annoys me. Let's keep it casual, please.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I'm sorry that I keep talking to you all the time because I know that you're really busy, but you know that you're the one that I want to talk to all the time. Besides, you seem to be one of the only ones that actually answers me.
i love the (completely inappropriate) things you say to me when you call me late at night
"but I believe in you so much, I could die for the words that you say...I believe in you so much, I could die from the words that you say"

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/4/09

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I too can be a flirt but have the opposite problem, everyone assumes I like them. Once I ended up dating a guy I had no interest in. I felt bad that he assumed we were together and didnt want to live up to my heartbreaking reputation so convinced myself I kind of liked him.
I flirt with everyone, so when I'm actually flirting to get a guy's attention, no one takes me seriously.
I wish I could get a better read from you on how you feel about me.....
I'm glad we're done. You're heart was in the right place, but theres a boundary of give/take, and using me.
I'm scared to death of Valentine's Day because I know I'll just be in my dorm room alone again.
I'm starting to realize the real reason the spark went out between us. I just need to be single for a little while... because I never really have been. But you're amazing, and I think I want to be with you in the long run. I'm scared I'm throwing what we have away and I won't be able to get it back.
I bought "The Courage to Heal" and "The Sexual Healing Journey" over break. I'm scared that someone will find the books, but I'm more scared to read them. I want so badly to be over this--what ever that means--but am terrified of the process of getting there.
People who did not go to UNC and claim to be die-hard fans and know everything about UNC for some odd reason annoy the crap out of me.

You didn't get to spend 4 years at UNC and you don't know about all the experiences that make one UNC alum.

I know this is dumb but it really bugs me when a friend of mine who just moved to the area 2 years ago and had no prior knowledge of UNC acts as if she is the biggest fan and knows all about my undergrad experience.
All of our friends like my best friend more than they like me. It's not that she doesn't deserve to be well liked; she's one of my favorite people in the world. I just wish that the people I'm really close to didn't always end up being closer to her.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/3/09

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm only interested in him because I want to make you jealous.
I act distant to you because you are not my best friend, even if you think I am yours. I have many friends, I am sorry you don't, and I am sorry I don't feel as close to you as you want.
I keep imagining myself screaming. I can hear it in my head. Screaming in frustration, or actually screaming at other people. I'm worried that I might actually do it someday.
I yelled at you today. I never yelled at you when we were together, and I feel strangely vindicated. But what I said today is true -- you never took me seriously.
How can you pretend there was nothing between us? From the summer to last semester, you became someone I didn't know within a week. You felt it, I felt it, just admit it, instead of staring at me with those eyes every time we're around eachother.
Remember when pulled me away and said "You know what I'm most afraid of?...That when I finally realize I'm supposed to be with you, it will be too late."

I never forgot
Whenever we talk, it's always all about you. I told you about some huge problems in my life, and you haven't asked about them since. This just reinforces my view that being close to someone is pointless, people are transient, and I am wasting my time.
Every time I see a secret on here about a best friend sucking, I get scared that it's my best friend. Really, any time I see any secret that could even remotely be applied to me that expresses negative opinions about someone, I worry it's me. Then I try to correct whatever it is the secret complains about. I'm not sure if this process is making me a better person or just giving me low self-esteem with impossible goals for self-improvement.
I'm still not sure what I'm searching for...
I really hate football and the Super Bowl. I also hate the fact that if I don't pretend I have some slight interest in it, I wind up sitting alone all evening.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/2/09

Sunday, February 1, 2009

You're my best friend, so why do you act distant half the time? Maybe if I had a penis things would be different.
I keep thinking that some Saturday night, I'll be out at a bar and I'll see you and we'll end up going home together.
Then I think how awesomely awkward it would be at our staff meeting the next evening - but it would be worth it, of course.
I like you, a lot. But I can only wait so long for you to figure out that the person you are waiting for to walk into your life, that vision of the perfect specimen of human being that is just your type, doesn't exist. I am the person that you should be with. And I can't promise you that when you do figure it out I will still be waiting.
you make me feel so naked, small, and vulnerable....
It's hard to believe I'm alone in a campus with so many people.

But I do.
Last year, when I finally decided you'd never like me back, I started dating someone else. I needed to move on. But a part of me never gave up on you.

This year, I found out you did like me, and since then, I haven't been able to get over the possibility of us being together. I love you, and I'd give you everything. I just wish you weren't so angry with me, because maybe then you'd believe me.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Work on your intuition. I am not, never have been, and never will be interested in you. For the past year I've avoided spending alone time with you and I've dodged your attempts to talk dirty with me. Yet somehow, this was not obvious enough for you.

I am sorry that our conversation was awkward, but I have done everything I could to ensure that you never broached the topic.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/31/09

Friday, January 30, 2009

i know we're friends, but I want to be more...

When I'm walking to class, I Play a game where I see how many people i can get to smile with my smile. I hope it makes someone's day better.
I read academic blogs every day waiting for a professor to complain about me.
I hate seeing you around campus. You just remind me of how stupid and nervous I acted when we were dating.
I'm not going to give up on you. I love you and miss you too much to do that.
I kept telling myself that I'd stay in it until you broke it off. It wasn't working, and I knew it, but I loved you so much that I left it up to you. And that's exactly what happened-- you broke it off. Now you're dating someone else and are under the impression that I'm fine: that we're friends.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I need to stop being so mean to you. I'm just waiting for the day when you call me out on it and stop being my friend.
Until I know decisively if we have another chance or not, anyone I date is just a stand in, or a tryst. You're so far away, but I haven't given up. It's pathetic.
I freaked out a bit for several weeks after this blog was supposed to come back online and never did. I felt like I lost my connection to Carolina. I gave up after a few months and deleted the bookmark from my tabs.

Thank you for starting up again. This blog helps me get through each and every day knowing I'm not alone.
I remember nothing at all before last year. Sometimes I fear that I will completely forget my friends. So when you say "Do you remember that time in high school" ... no, I don't remember. I'm just lying when I smile and agree.
When I can't make everything all better for you, I feel like a failure, as a friend and as a person. I want everything to be perfect in your life, and somehow I feel like I should be able to give you that.
I won't date you because I'm sleeping with someone who's really good in bed.
I keep hoping, if I'm patient enough, that you'll want me again...but I don't know what my answer will be if that happens.
I don't care if it's the 21st century, that does not make it okay to make all dating communication through texts and facebook... pick up the fucking phone. K, thanks.
Dear Guys at Carolina,

I just want to tell you how fucking lucky you are. You should stop being assholes and date these hott, smart, awesome girls before you get into the real world and realize how lucky you actually were. Because honestly, you just don't have that much going for you.
I wish I had as much confidence as people think I do. I hate hiding my sexuality.

i'm worried i'll end up alone.

I still don't know what to do with all the time we used to spend gchatting.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The number of people that I can stand being around is quickly diminishing. I'm getting worried that I'll have no one to talk to in a few months.
A part of me wants to know how we can admit that we're in love with each other, yet we need to go back to "friend" mode because we just can't do the long-distance thing.

The other part of me knows exactly why and knows that it's the right decision. We can still talk, but it's not the same, and I know you feel just as horribly about the situation.
I am scared that no one will ever love me. All my friends have been getting engaged and I still haven't found anyone yet. Am I a bad friend for being depressed/slightly jealous when I go to my friend's bridal showers and when I see pictures of the happy couple? I feel horrible but it makes me wonder when my turn will come.
I fantasize about a friend in one of my classes. I don't know if there's tension between us or I have lost it completely.
I don't think the election for SBP matters. It is a popularity contest.

Monday, January 26, 2009

You are a great friend, but I am perceptive enough to know that you like me as more than friends. I can't admit that I know, because then we'd discuss it, and I would tell you that I'm just not interested. And, we would probably drift apart from the strain.

It's easier for me to just play dumb and dodge the subject, because I like the close friendship we have now, and I don't want it to change.
you are amazing and beautiful....i wish you could see it and let me in.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/27/09

Sunday, January 25, 2009

i would give you THE WORLD if i could....and if you would let me.
most friends in the group i hang out with tell me their big secrets. i would never break their trust in a million years, but sometimes i think about the chaos i could cause.
None of my friends seems to need me in the way that I need them. It makes me feel like shit.
I'm trying so hard to make this situation better but neither of you care about me at all. If you did you would know that I've needed you more this year than ever before and you failed me as friends. I have to move on now. I'm sorry you won't be part of my life. I truly am sorry.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I know you broke up with me because it will never work out, but I still love you. A lot.

And yes, I'm sure there are prettier and smarter girls out there but I doubt there are any who will have the same spark with me that you have.
I can't stand my roommates right now. Everyone is either boyfriend or self-obsessed.

When you all are done being crazy pessimistic, bitches, you can come find me holed up far, far away from you all.
One of my friends is about to get really hurt, and it all depends on whether I tell one of them what the other told me.
I lied to you, but only because I know that you cannot deal with the truth. However, the more you inflate yourself and blame everything on me, the more I want to tell you what a complete ass you are.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/24/09

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I don't know when I became such a hypochondriac, but it has completely consumed my life, not to mention driven away my friends, and even my family. I don't want to be paranoid all the time - I just can't help it.

Everything is falling apart. I feel so defeated.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/22/09

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm really annoyed with all the religious speech-making on election day. I'm an atheist, I don't believe in god, and I resent that the US is being represented that way!
Today, January 20th, is the first day I've felt proud to be an American in over six years.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I got back from break and acted weird for personal reasons. Now I feel like all my friends hate me, or don't really want me around, even my best friend. I feel insecure and I don't know what to do. I can't say I blame them.
I've already decided that I won't leave a note. There are too many ways anything I say could be misinterpreted.
you don't know how much i want to call and make sure you're ok. just to hear your voice would make me feel much better. but i feel like that would hurt you more and i can't do that because it hurts me to think you're hurting.
I've never been to a frat party at Chapel Hill, not because I don't want to go to one, but because I've never been invited.
If they needed me to stop the rain from falling, I would try and find a way. But I feel like I pushed the people I love the most in this world away from me and it scares me. Because I feel like I deserve to be alone. That's the way it's been my whole life, why would it change now?

Sunday, January 18, 2009

For 8 months, I thought I was having your baby. That is the real reason I never called you - I didn't want you to have anything else to worry about since you were already going through a difficult time.

Now, I wouldn't change anything about my life - except I wish that we were still close friends.
Sometimes, you bore the heck out of me. I don't even know why you thought you had a crush on me, because we're totally wrong for each other. You have no interest in partying. I don't want to be with people who don't have a healthy sense of adventure. I'm surprised you don't see the disconnect.

But whatever. You're not a bad person because of your choices. You just don't understand that we don't... fit. I'm sure you'll find a nice, quiet, conservative boy to make you happy. In the meantime, when we do hang out, please leave your superiority complex at home.
I know you'll probably never read this, but I am so worried I am going to become less and less important in your life. Logically I know that's probably not ever going to be true, but I am terrified it will happen. I just fear losing the people I care most about because I don't know what I'd do without them.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/18/09

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I know you'll probably never read this, but I am so worried I am going to become less and less important in your life. Logically I know that's probably not ever going to be true, but I am terrified it will happen. I just fear losing the people I care most about because I don't know what I'd do without them.
You are TERRIBLE at your job, and I wish that other people would realize it.
I think Global Warming is a scam and is perpetuated by liberals, the media, and the environmental lobby. Not to start a political debate... but that's just what I think.

Your personality is amazing, and I've never met someone who actually listened to me like you do. I don't know whats wrong with me - but I'm just not physically attracted to you.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/17/09

The winter makes me lonely.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I unfriended my ex on Facebook because I can't stand looking at his new relationship status... and the picture of him with his new girlfriend.
I'm considering pretending to have plans of my own this weekend, just so you won't feel sorry for me anymore.
Having "casual sex" with you was exactly what I needed to get over my ex. Thanks.
I found a twenty-dollar bill lying on the ground while I was walking home alone at 1 a.m. on a Thursday night.

I would have traded it and a hundred more for friends who cared more about me not getting raped or mugged than they did about card games and that extra half hour with their significant others.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/16/09

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I have no desire to travel. There, I said it. Take pictures of the world for me.
I worry that I'm losing my ambition. There's so much that I used to want to do, and now whenever I think about it, it doesn't seem as appealing anymore.
I can't stop you from loving her, but if I could... well, I wouldn't because I just imagine what it'd be like to be her. But I wish that you'd choose me.
I'm terrified of you breaking my heart.
Every post I read here that involves cheating makes me lose faith in humanity and to be able to find a girl that wouldn't do that to me.
It does not matter if you feel guilty or not, just don't do it.

I have never gone out on a date in CH.

I peed on a campus bush, once. Some gardeners saw and pointed at me. I waved back.
There are days when I really wish we could all make it blatantly obvious whether we're single or taken. That way I wouldn't have to wonder which of the cute guys in my English class to flirt with.

And that way they'd know to flirt with me.
Meeting your girlfriend just made me want you more.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

From the time I get home to the time I got to sleep, the only thing I can think of is drinking. All I want to do is drink. Sometimes I do, and when I don't, I wish that I were drinking.
I saw my ex tonight, and while I may seem fine with seeing him, on the inside I was SCREAMING. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from crying. Does he really not know how much it kills me that he has moved on?
I wish for once the stars would align and I'd for once be satisfied with my romantic situation.
I wish was able to forget my past and just start today as though it were day 1.
I'm finally starting to feel whole again, like I'm not angry and jaded and unreasonable in my world view like I was right after I found out you'd been cheating on me all that time. But I still have the same cynical opinions about the world as you inspired in me then. I guess I'm just getting used to being unable to trust.
Whenever I meet a cute boy, I have to look up our Zodiac love compatibility.

I'm not sure I actually believe the stuff, but it hasn't been wrong yet.
Yes, i was hitting on you. Yes I do know you're gay, and yes I am too. I'm just too scared to say it, so give me a reason not to be, please.
I cannot go one day without a cigarette. Well, I can, but if I don't have one I get really grouchy. I try not to admit this to anyone.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/14/09

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We couldn't be more incompatible, so why do I still try?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Return my goddamn phonecalls, asshole. It's getting annoying.
I feel so alone. I'm getting sick of my good friends, and I don't know of who else to talk to.
I know how I feel about you and how you feel about me. Yet all of a sudden, I'm pulling away again. It's probably because I've realized that we're not going to be together for a long time, and I don't want to deal with that. But I still love you, and probably always will.
I moved in with my friend at the beginning of this month, and I can already tell it's going to destroy our friendship.

She shuts herself in the room all day, doesn't speak to me for hours, and has completely monopolized the internet and cable, leaving me to post this using someone else's internet. Additionally, she seems to think it's MY job to report any maintenance issues to the office, even though her inconsiderateness has caused me to avoid the place when I can.

It's going to be a LOOOOOONG 8 months.
I wish you wouldn't keep ten feet away from me as if I had leprosy. It doesn't hurt that you don't feel about me the way that I feel about you. I'm an adult. I can handle rejection. What hurts is that you seem to be terrified of me, now that the truth is out.

I'm not here to cause you pain. You face enough stress as it is. But please don't insult me by acting as if I'm a crazy nympho who'll jump you without warning. I thought you knew me better than that.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/11/09

Saturday, January 10, 2009

We broke up before break. I will not enjoy seeing you around next semester, but I'll pretend everything is fine.

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Friday, January 9, 2009

It makes me feel like I'm in middle school again but I'm jealous of my roommates' friendship. I hate being left out and I don't understand why they don't like me anymore.

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Thursday, January 8, 2009

So you want to know the real reason I never wear my hair down?

It has nothing to do with the fact that I'm lazy or anything like that.

It has to do with the fact that I have trichotillomania. Which means that I pull my hair out and have since developed a bald spot.

Now you know. Well kind of.
I think I changed over break. I'm coming back better, faster, stronger, and smarter. I hope my friends notice.
I've had to come to terms with the fact that I'm just not physically attractive. I've gotten uglier since high school.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/8/09

Im pretty much only your friend because I feel bad for you.
My roommate's relationship with her boyfriend has made me understand why women remain in emotionally and physically abusive relationships. How does she still live in denial?

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I've developed an aversion to anything cream-based because I'm obsessed with not gaining weight.
I'm really happy that I've found a new group of friends because my other ones were stifling me.
I'm not worried about the future because I know we'll end up together eventually.
I'm one semester away from graduating, and I'm beginning to wonder whether I made a terrible mistake in my choice of major.
I am really worried about my decisions recently. I either don't think at all and act really rashly and end up regretting it, or I think too much and then don't do anything, also regretting it.

It's as if I can't do anything right.
I love my boyfriend, but I can't stop texting my newly single ex...I know it can't end well but I can't stop myself.
Everyone knows how much I despise Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, but I actually like some of their songs and listen to them in private.
I often wonder if you would believe me were I to tell you that your life is easier due to the fact that you are not a woman.

Ironically, I'll bet you would try to tell me that I was being sexist.
You broke my best friend's heart a year ago. I hope you're not falling for me now. I could never reciprocate.

Comment here to submit a secret 1/7/09

You used to be my TA, but you haven't controlled my grades in more than two and a half years. Can we please stop playing games and just have sex already? I need to stop agonizing over you and wondering when you'll call me next (and please don't make it 3 a.m. again)!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I'm confident that no one will love me for me. I'm not enough.
I've been lying to everyone in the world for years, and I don't even know why. Some of the lies I have repeated so often that even I believe they're true. Even my best friends don't know me.

But I probably won't stop, since I have appearances to keep up!

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/6/09

Monday, January 5, 2009

The reason I don't like you playing with my hair is because it's a wig.
My best friend made my study abroad experience worse. What's more, now we can't seem to go back to "normal" she's so damn cynical. Part of me wants to shove her away, far away, but the other part knows how much I really do love her and love her being in my life.
I hate that I'm too liberal for my friends from home but not liberal enough for my friends at UNC. I can't seem to convince either group that I'm happy being in the middle and that there's nothing wrong with it either.
Girls, give guys a chase. They will treat you better. I promise.
I wish you would goddamn talk when you're angry - especially when I specifically ask you if you are. At that point, there's nothing more I can do.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/5/09

I called you so many times tonight to tell you that I loved you but you didn't pick up the phone.
i thought we would be together forever, but i guess that isn't going to be the case. i still can't believe that it's over after almost 3 years..and i hate society and the way it has made being in love with someone of the same gender such a horrible thing. i still love you and always will... and i still hope you change your mind and realize what you're giving up on.
I can't tell if I like my best friend, or if it's only because I'm lonely.

In any case, I can't see it ending well.
I want to scream. Stop using me as an example of how you've failed at relationships.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

you mean more to me than you can ever possibly imagine...

I am seriously thinking about dropping out of college to become a chocolatier.

What am I doing wrong? I wake up each morning and put on my makeup. People tell me I look pretty, but why believe them? I've had one boyfriend my entire life and I'm 19 now. What am I doing wrong?
I think I'll go have a cookie.
I haven't felt like a person in years. I feel like an object, and college didn't help any. I just don't want to feel empty anymore. I really am a good guy.
I cheated over the break. I'm sorry; I will never repeat that mistake-- nor tell you about it.

Friday, January 2, 2009

You call her your "penguin"? I tell everyone I'm happy for you but a small part of me is dying on the inside.