Sunday, June 15, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/15/08

I suppose its only fitting to find out a secret about my late father a few days before fathers day. Knowing that it wasn't heart disease that killed him is a relief, but knowing the true cause hurts almost as bad as my own worry for my heart.
I have such a crush on you. I want to talk to you all day long.
if there was a way for people to see the number of times i've looked at their facebook profile i would be mortified.
the first guy i've wanted to cheat on is the first one who doesn't deserve it.
went to the gynecologist for the first time a couple days ago. She knew I was a virgin, because I told her so. And yet... not particularly gentle, that woman.

I hate that the first thing ever to penetrate me is a piece of cold and indifferent steel.
My worst fear in life is losing my parents. Seeing them get older and not be able to do things that they used to hurts me. I know that I will not be able to live my life without either one of them. They are the ONLY people in my life that have been a constant and I am starting to believe that no one will ever love me as much as they love me. I know this is awful but I pray that God takes me away before he takes them away because my life is worthless without the love that they give me.
I feel so much better having talked and gotten all that off my chest. You were wrong when you said it would be better to just keep it all quiet, and I don't regret it one bit.

( what happens now?)
Happy Father's Day. I wish last time we talked it didn't feel like we were just doing it out of obligation instead of actual love & respect.
I'm going to make you mine.

I know I barely know you, and it may take a while, but it's gunna happen.

hope you're ready.
make the first move.

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/15/08