Thursday, June 19, 2008

tomorrow is my last night in chapel hill, and i want to spend it with you.

i hope you realize how much that would mean to me. and how much YOU mean to me...
I hate being home. I hate my conservative Christian family. I hate that I can't tell them I'm atheist. I hate that I can't even list 'atheist' as my religious views on Facebook, out of fear it will get back around to them.

Why the hell do I care so much? Why must I tiptoe around their prejudice?
We stopped talking and sometimes I wonder if you're ok. I feel like I fixed a lot of problems that you came upon and also I understood you best of all. Are you doing ok without having me to vent to and give you hugs?

I miss the person you were when I could help you and solve your problems. I am glad to be away from the person you had recently become.

Be that old person again and we could be friends.