Thursday, June 26, 2008

Summer Break

Dear Loyal Readers and Commenters:

Thank you all SO MUCH for continuing to support this project throughout the summer! We appreciate every hit, every submission, and every thought you've given to UNC-CH Secrets!

We would just like you guys to know that we will be taking a brief hiatus from updating for the next 2 weeks or so, in order for the moderators to get some (much needed) breathing time.

Feel free to leave your secrets, thoughts, comments, pictures, etc. in the meantime, and we will be back to posting regularly by mid-July.

you guys rock, and enjoy the summer!

The Moderators
i feel 100x better when i go out drinking and get attention

i feel so badly when i dont get the attention -- am i fat? not wearing a cute dress like everyone else?

i know it's shallow...beyond belief. but i cat help it
summer school classes really havent been that horrible...

but it just doesnt feel like summer. ive had internships, jobs, whatever, over the summer and it still felt like a break from school

im afraid that im going to burn out come fall semester
I run from my problems.
I bought a vibrator the other day...I LOVE IT! But I can't wait until I see you again so I can get the real thing
I know that we're perfect for each other. Stop fighting it.
I am just as good as you.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I love to make service calls (phone, cable, other bills) naked. It is hard to carry on a conversation with someone when all you can think about is what THEY would think if they could see you while you were talking.
every once in a while, i have to remind myself that i made the right choice when i left you for them.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/25/08

you know i'll say it back.
miss you, lonestar. didn't plan to.
I love morning sex.
I would take you back in one second despite what you've done.
I used to hate myself. Then I came to carolina and learned to love myself. I fear I have relapsed...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/24/08

I feel so connected to you all who post here. Thank you for helping me not feel so alone. :)
whenever i hear you talk about how hot some girl is i facebook stalk her and try to figure out what makes her so much better than me.
I have lost a ton of weight and accepted the fact that I am gay, but I still look in the mirror and see that fat, unattractive, and closeted person I was. I guess my closet was bigger than I thought. I want a relationship and I want someone to hold and fall asleep with but I don't see myself as good enough for that. How can I learn to like myself?
When you fall out of love with your current boyfriend like you did me, you should realize that the kind of love you want to last your whole life is not possible for anyone. And maybe then you'll try at us again.
im scared

im scared im falling too fast
im scared of what will happen come fall
im scared that im no longer completely in control
im scared im not good enough
im scared ill fuck things up

please make it worth it
I didn't expect to see you that night, when I did see you I was worried it would be a terrible night. It wasn't--I haven't had that much fun all summer. Now I only wish I had made out with you...
No one knows that I'm suicidal.
Life away from Chapel Hill is missing a very palpable something. While its not torture for me to be in this home which isn't even mine since my parents move, I feel as though life will be significantly better once I can get back to campus. At this point, I actually want to have classes, I want to learn, I want to excel. So I guess the lack of accomplishment is what really gets to me out here.
I am happy. I like the path my life is on.

I only wish you had wanted to journey there with me.
Hey, snotty little brat at my internship.

Don't you dare knock UNC because your program is specialized.

I'm so glad that you have all of these classes that teaches you everything you need to know, but that's all you'll ever know. Personally, I'd like to EXPAND my horizons. Thank you.

Oh, and by the way? Yes. Basketball IS important, asshole.
I'm reinventing myself this summer. It's going well with all the people who are seeing the slow gradual changes, but I'm scared about what happens in the fall when I am suddenly a very different person.
i dont understand why i dont have any fucking friends. is it them? or is it me?
When I wrote "I love you" on a road sign today, I meant you, and I have for the last years and probably will for the next few to come. You've moved on and you're happy. Just know I'm somewhere wishing you well.
what i cant tell you:
your voice is sexy and its adorable how tall you are. every time we look at each other i want to do what our eyes say.

but its not going to happen.

thank you for this
I could see us growing old together. Please let us have another chance one day.
I was never that prince you read about in fairy tales.
I Was NEver That PRInce You Read About In Fairy Tales.

...all I can do is try, but that's never been good enough now has it?

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/23/08

Friday, June 20, 2008

I have a 1.891 and i don't think I'll be able to come back to UNC in the fall. I've never been so sick in my life...

how can i tell my parents that i was so close to a 2.0 but wasn't good enough to cut it? who can i talk to that will help?... i need help
Why is it so hard to fall in love
I wish you had told me and I didn't have to ask.

You could have done a lot better. I'll give you some credit for trying, but maybe next time just do better.
i'm cheating on my girlfriend. i don't know how to stop and i feel so guilty.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

tomorrow is my last night in chapel hill, and i want to spend it with you.

i hope you realize how much that would mean to me. and how much YOU mean to me...
I hate being home. I hate my conservative Christian family. I hate that I can't tell them I'm atheist. I hate that I can't even list 'atheist' as my religious views on Facebook, out of fear it will get back around to them.

Why the hell do I care so much? Why must I tiptoe around their prejudice?
We stopped talking and sometimes I wonder if you're ok. I feel like I fixed a lot of problems that you came upon and also I understood you best of all. Are you doing ok without having me to vent to and give you hugs?

I miss the person you were when I could help you and solve your problems. I am glad to be away from the person you had recently become.

Be that old person again and we could be friends.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/19/08

I went through some of your pictures on facebook today like I have done for months since we've broken up and I realize that I don't want you. You're not even as attractive as I used to think you were. You're a self-absorbed, narcissistic liar and I can do way better.
i wanna be on you.
i look at you and my heart beats faster. and it scares me, because i don't think this is right. i'm scared to get my hopes up.

but i see that smile of yours and your eyes lock with mine and i'm instantly assured.
I pick and flick.
I feel like I'd be really good at writing porn.

I always make up movies in my head, anyway.
I haven't had sex in a month and a half now, and I feel like I'm going crazy. Now I know what you have been feeling like for the past semester or so. I'm so sorry. At the same time, I hope you're not sleeping around this summer, like I know you wanted to do.

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/18/08

theres a thing between us. i dont know what it is, but i like it.
i know we are right for eachother i just know it.

i just hope you know it too.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

For the most part, I'm glad we decided not to talk anymore. It was the right thing for both of us. Last night, though, I had a really hard time dealing with my life without you to make things better. Have you missed me at all?
I love you. And you love me. I couldn't be happier. Only 8 weeks until we're back in Chapel Hill. I hope it goes fast because I miss you like crazy.
I don't know if I like you because I like you, or if it's because it's convenient. I really need to figure it out before I start throwing myself into things for you.
I take back what I said. Over the last couple of weeks, I realized that I deserve someone that knows what they want. I'm not going to wait for you to make up your mind. It's too late.
I'll never be able to forgive you for driving home drunk the other week. I see you as a completely different person now.
I'm drunk and alone. I know no one really cares.
Our friendship is worth nothing to you. I know this, you know this. If I dropped dead this instant you'd forget about me quickly. Stop pretending.
Every time things end between me and a guy (relationship, hookup, whatever) he immediately finds someone else and enters a committed, long term relationship.

I'm still single, and really beginning to think I'm cursed.
I am a very political person, and I always have been. I am liberal, but come from a very conservative area. When I finally gained the strength to voice my opinions to those closest to me, they attacked me and my views to the point that I started to think that they see me as only a "goddamn democrat" than the person they knew, loved, respected, and supported for years. I haven't changed a bit.

The experience has sickened me to the point of virtual apathy. I have always hated it when people were apathetic about something with the potential to cause great change.

Plus, I am going into the upcoming year with a big leadership title in a prevalent political organization on campus.
I told her "just hang on one more night." It didn't work, but she still lived. But I feel like she didn't make it, and now I don't know how many "one more night"s I have left myself. And I feel like a selfish hypocrite for telling her that and not being able to do it myself.
I just found out (through means that I am not necessarily proud of) that he and you were romancing behind my back before you broke up with me.

We were together for so long and I loved you more than anything I have ever known--Then you showed me none of the respect I deserved, and hid your despicable actions from me while you said you were being completely honest. Well now I know, and maybe it will help me get over you sooner, because the last few months have been excruciating, at the worst of times.

To think I thought you were the one, even at such a young age.

How could you do that to the person you loved the most? I'll never understand, and I hope it gnaws at you every time you are romantically slighted in the future.
You better not be just like them. You just might be the one who breaks my faith in men and love completely. Sad part is, I never thought I would get to this point. What the hell do I do now?
Please start taking responsibility for your own actions. You're running out of excuses, and possibly friends to blame things on.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/16/08

i miss you so much but i think i've irreparably damaged our second chance.

is this really the end?
Now that we've had sex, please don't forget about me.

I keep my fingernail clippings in a bottle. Sometimes I take them out and play with them. I know its weird, but for some reason it makes me feel good.
i've been facebook stalking friends of friends who live in the city I'm moving to...just to see if anyone can hook me up :-)
I graduated, but it still hasn't hit me I'm not moving back to Chapel Hill in August.

I'm pretty sure that's the only reason I've been able to hold it together thus far.
i had a thing with my high school teacher
everytime i am around you i get hornier and hornier. i just want you to acknowledge me as a lover. will you ever?
i masturbate a lot.
i told you because you seemed trustworthy, because of all people i thought you'd understand.

i'm not sure how many more times i can handle violations of trust before i completely lose my faith in humanity. there's only so much hope one can have, and it's fading fast.
my definition of love changes with each new person i date.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/15/08

I suppose its only fitting to find out a secret about my late father a few days before fathers day. Knowing that it wasn't heart disease that killed him is a relief, but knowing the true cause hurts almost as bad as my own worry for my heart.
I have such a crush on you. I want to talk to you all day long.
if there was a way for people to see the number of times i've looked at their facebook profile i would be mortified.
the first guy i've wanted to cheat on is the first one who doesn't deserve it.
went to the gynecologist for the first time a couple days ago. She knew I was a virgin, because I told her so. And yet... not particularly gentle, that woman.

I hate that the first thing ever to penetrate me is a piece of cold and indifferent steel.
My worst fear in life is losing my parents. Seeing them get older and not be able to do things that they used to hurts me. I know that I will not be able to live my life without either one of them. They are the ONLY people in my life that have been a constant and I am starting to believe that no one will ever love me as much as they love me. I know this is awful but I pray that God takes me away before he takes them away because my life is worthless without the love that they give me.
I feel so much better having talked and gotten all that off my chest. You were wrong when you said it would be better to just keep it all quiet, and I don't regret it one bit.

( what happens now?)
Happy Father's Day. I wish last time we talked it didn't feel like we were just doing it out of obligation instead of actual love & respect.
I'm going to make you mine.

I know I barely know you, and it may take a while, but it's gunna happen.

hope you're ready.
make the first move.

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/15/08

Saturday, June 14, 2008

I was incredibly sick last week and was throwing up all the time. Now, I feel better, but I keep throwing up anyway. I'm terrified that this means I'm getting an eating disorder.
Whenever I talk to you, all that comes out is jibberish. Your smile reduces me to a middle-schooler!
I've never been so afraid to lose someone. Knowing you has made me better, and for that I know you're different.

But I've never had to be so far from someone that means so much to me, and the jealousy of the new people in your new life hurts more than I can say.

...and for once, I really have no idea what to do.
I just... I just want this to be easier.
i hate how you judge girls. all of you. it's not fair.

i know i will never be "that girl" but i do hope that i am decent-looking enough to have a chance with you.

i honestly believe i would like you this much no matter what you looked like and that pisses me off.
i can't believe you're gay... we just had sex! i think you might be using that as a way out of following up!
we're engaged but i dont want to marry you anymore
i want you to aggressively take advantage of me... just do it!!
Sometimes I feel tired of you, of this relationship. But my brain informs me that's only fleeting and I love you. You're the most honorable person I've ever met & we're incredible together.

So why do my doubts keep growing babums?
I tried. I really did. But I fell in love with you. Even though you already have a boyfriend who gets angry when your flaws come out, can't handle your family, and is so temperamental that you're afraid to call him sometimes. I promised myself I wouldn't do it, but maybe one day she'll see in me what everyone says is there. Unless they're lying.
The guy my ex was talking to just listed himself as 'complicated' on facebook. It seems inconsequential, I have no information to go on, and yet I'm still feeling sick because of it.

The only thing I want more than being able to get over you is for you to take me back.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/14/08

I finally feel fulfilled and happy with my work for the first time in my life. My faith in humanity has been restored. It's such a good feeling!
I want to be skinny so badly. I walk around thinking about how many calories I'm burning and when I can eat again. When I do eat, I eat so much it hurts...then feel guilty. I want to be better and eat normally, but I'm terrified of being fat.
It's easier when I'm drunk.
I love you more with every moment, and I can never be with you long enough. You're everything good. We talked everything through, and I was happy.

So why can't I stop thinking about it, what you said a few weeks ago? Why does it [still] hurt to think that, maybe, you aren't straight?
I don't want to go back to UNC next semester. This summer made me realize I'm burned out and getting a little indifferent. I will reclaim some inspiration before August. I have so much to appreciate and don't want to take it for granted...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/13/08

It's been almost a year, I'm over you.

So why did it hurt so much to see a picture of you and her on fb vacationing where you always promised to take me?
I never know whether to feel happy or insulted when my ex starts dating a less attractive girl after me.

I'm prettier but she has him...who wins?
i think we might get married one day.

and i cannot think of a single thing that would make me happier.
i wish i didn't miss you so much.
i really want to have sex with you before i leave...
i may be bicurious...i'm scared
you are selfish and dont care about your friends--i cant wait until others see the real you, too
i finally understand how it feels, how things should be. I've never fallen so fast for somebody and it's scaring the life out of me. I just got a taste of not having you around and the effect it had on me is terrifying. Please don't be like the others, they broke a small piece of me but you would break so much more.
i think i just realized that i'm afraid to be happy

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/12/08

I finally said goodbye to you, cut you out of my life for good. I was shaking as I deleted your number from my phone, and for a few hours I kept waiting for you to call and tell me that you really did want to try to make it work as friends. Then I realized that I didn't want to you to do that, I didn't want you to drag it out any longer. This is what I've needed to do for a long time, and I finally found the strength to be ready to do it.
With every passing day at my internship, I feel less and less confident in the abilities that I thought I had.

I don't think I'm good enough to be here right now, and I'm just praying that my boss doesn't realize that.
Can you fall for someone nearly 4 years younger because of the intensity and complexity of a night's conversation? Or could it just be the way you caught my eye from wherever you happened to be and how you brushed my back with your hand each time that you passed by?
dont you guys feel like theres more to life than just the regular day to day happenings in chapel hill? do you ever feel like you are scratching the surface of what it means to be alive?

i feel like the world has great things waiting for me and im ready...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Comment Here to submit a secret 6/11/08

i actually don't know if we're going to make it.
We talked about everything and where we stand for the summer. I'm so afraid we're going to get back to Chapel Hill in the fall and you won't want me, and you'll let me go.

I'm trying to stay positive that that won't happen. Please don't let me down, I'm falling for you more and more every day.
They say they want me to get better. But it doesn't really matter if I don't does it? All the things I have to give up to make sure my friends safe and happy are going to cost me a lot more than my emotional stability, and I don't even think they care. I keep saying "one more day" but I'm not sure how many of those are left before I give out...
please let me get this job. i really need it. i don't know if it's right to pray for something so selfish, especially after being a stranger to God for so long, but I am.
That's the first time I've ever felt like it was the other person's privilege to be with me. Like how I imagine beautiful people feel when they have sex with someone they know i uglier than them. But it's not because I'm more attractive. It's because I'm so much more beautiful than him on the inside.
I'm going to tell her. I think she'd want to know. And I have a right to; she hurt me before she hurt you, and just because you'd rather keep it all quiet doesn't mean I have to.
You're fantastic but I hate your girlfriend. She's immature, you admitted it yourself, and she doesn't deserve you. Therefore, I'm going to try to be a boyfriend-stealer. I know this makes me a bad person, but I kinda don't care.
i had the most amazing day yesterday. the most awesome things happened that i didn't even think were possible.

and at the end of the day even though i felt lucky about my life and that everything was so surreal...i felt unhappy and all of the negative things about myself even stronger than usual. why can't i just be happy?
Bad things happen when you drink too much...and I may have just ruined my rep with everyone I work with. To cover it up I'm lying about what happened and what I remember.

Great way to start the summer...
Both my brother and my sister are in relationships. I'm the oldest and I'm single. How is this fair!?!? I know its stupid but I want to be the first to get married, and I'm really beginning to think its no longer a possibility.
I used to laugh at those women on Maury for not knowing who fathered their child, but now I realize just how easy it could be and it really scares me.

Please God, don't let me be pregnant.
I don't miss my roommates.
I get really pissed off when people tell me that all I need is more confidence in myself and THEN I'll find the right guy.

I am confident. I truly believe I am a beautiful, smart woman. But sometimes I wonder if my confidence is what pushes guys away...
I bumped into you today, and it will probably be the last time we ever see each other.
After all we've been through and meant to each other over the past 7 years, you couldn't even get up out of your chair to hug me goodbye?

It makes me wonder if I ever really meant anything to you at all. And that really hurts because even though I've moved on, a part of me will always love you.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/10/08

i wish i had a chance with you. I wish you could see me as more than a friend, at least consider it.
I was just sitting and having a conversation with a friend that I hadn't seen in a while. I think that you are such a bitch for telling him what I did last year with the guy you are now dating.

Everyone sees you as this perfect, caring person, when you acted without knowing anything about the situation, and least of all, me. Oh, and not to mention, you weren't even dating at the time. I have spent the past year trying as hard as I can to forget what happened, because I know I can't forgive myself for it.

I hope your relationship ends soon, and I hope it's because he does what he did with me with someone else.
it kills me that i didn't mean enough to you for you to even miss me.
we are in love.
but i refuse to be with you unless you can fucking make time for me.
You couldn't get it up today and I'm really hoping that doesn't mean that you didn't want me. Or that I did something wrong.

It is so awkward to talk about it, I don't know what to do.
Its been a month since I have graduated and I feel like all of my "friends" have forgotten about me. No calls, no messages, no emails. I feel used. I guess because we aren't all on campus anymore and don't see each other on a regular basis, you have no need for me anymore. I guess I wasn't fortunate enough to have true friends who keep in touch no matter where we all are!
See, what I got from that conversation was that you think my friends are holding me back, I'm a spoiled little rich girl, and I'm a naive child that knows nothing about heartbreak.

Thanks for that, asshole.

You really know how to make a girl feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
I don't understand it.

You love me, and I love you.

Why can't we just be together?
i understand that you're busy and tired, but i really miss talking to you. you make me feel like myself.
Sometimes, I have all of these ideas and dreams and goals, and I feel completely confident that I can and will do all of them.

Other times, like right now, I wonder how real that actually is and realize I can't really see myself doing that stuff at all. I think that if something really bad were to happen to me, it would save me a lot of grief because people would remember me the way I am now, and before I end up failing everyone.
i hope you fail
i just want you to know your girlfriend flirts with my best friend every time you aren't around
i hate my best friend
i like watching gay sex
I'm going to start smoking because I feel the need to do something self-destructive that doesn't leave a scar.
I will never forget how you found me attractive when I felt so ugly. Thank you.
If I get another crappy score on another LSAT, I'm going to hang myself.
I would give anything to talk to you and hear your voice again- knowing that’s impossible kills me every day
I'm glad you're moving to Charlotte, it's such a great opportunity. You hate your job, and the new one will give you better pay, benefits (which you currently lack), better hours, more respect, more freedom, a better office, you'll be closer to your's just so perfect for you. But when I found out that you want to break up when you move because you "can't do long distance", it made me wish I hadn't pushed so hard for you to find a better job. Is it terrible that I can't decide between you having a job that makes you miserable, but I get to be with you, or you having the perfect job, and I have to let you go.
I've ended all of my past relationships because I lost feelings for the other person.

I'm crazy about you, but you have become so apathetic. I don't think that anything is going to change. I don't know what to do. If you want to end things, I wish you'd be man enough to tell me.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Comment Here to submit a secret 6/9/08

when i woke up this morning, i had 2 tampons in. i'm not really sure how that happened...
I hear my old stalker just moved back to town. It's cool though, because he doesn't know how to find me. I almost wish he did, though, so I would have a reason to send my big angry brother to beat him up.
I beat myself up everyday for missing my chance. It's happened more times then I care to count now.

Comment Here to submit a secret 6/8/08

I think you might have Asperger's, but if you seem more normal than I feel, what does that say about me?
I'm not fat or anything, but I love eating. Many times I will try to steal my roommates food without them knowing, just because I am hungry. Sometimes, I even do it when they are looking just so we will talk about food.
i'm bad at making friends.

i keep my distance.

i come across as cold but i'm really just shy and think too much before i speak.

because my friends know i read this page all the time i'm worried they think some of the secrets here are about them, even though I've never posted before this. it's scary how many of these secrets are my own.
I'm having the time of my life this summer. I can't stop thinking about how much more fun it would be if you were here with me!
I came out as a bisexual during my sophomore year when I was working with a UNC theater production. When the actors did not believe I was bisexual, I went back into the closet. The only other person I have ever confessed my bisexuality to (offline) was my mother and she still has not believed me to this day.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I wake up every morning and wonder why I hurt so bad, even though I have the power to help others so well. I was called just the other the day kindest person someone knew, but I have no one to come to with my own problems, except this site. Holding the weight of the world on your shoulders, your back is bound to tire out I suppose...
I try to "fill up" my schedule so that I don't see you a lot. I do it to make you miss me, so that the next time I see you, you tell me how much you missed me and shower me with kisses. I really want this relationship to work, but I'm also tired of putting so much more effort into it than you do.
I feel like all my friends are having adventures abroad or doing cool, fun internships, and I'm stuck at home in a horrific minimum wage job. It makes me afraid for my future.

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/7/08

Friday, June 6, 2008

So even though my friends are certain that you like me (you behave like you do when we're alone) and when you talk to me you always bring up amazing plans to do fun things when school starts back up, I still wonder how a confident 'bad ass' like you could handle and maintain a relationship. I have some hope though, you match my wit and throw it back at me and when I act cocky or 'hostile' you just laugh and tease me back into my normal sweet behavior. Also you love my country accent and I love being able to be my old country girl self around you.
Choosing a major that I liked freshman year seemed like a wonderful idea at the time but as I enter my senior year I wonder if I'm actually going to be able to find a job after graduation
I have really high career goals. I think that I could be great at what I do.

I'm afraid to admit to the people I work with that I'd be willing to give all of it up to have a family with you.
now that you no longer trust me and confide in me with all your secrets, it seems like a quarter of these are from you. and it breaks my heart, i never tried to abandon you, but you felt that way, and so im scared you will never allow us to be like we were - the closest that partners could ever be, sharing everything, and holding each through every tough time.
I can't believe you actually wrote that on juicycampus.

I love you, grandma.

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/6/08

I was afraid of vampires when I was a little kid. Even now, I still can't fall asleep unless my neck is entirely covered by my blanket.
you're really good at acting like you don't care about stuff like that but IM SO GLAD that you admitted that you cared today. we are far apart and i really needed that. thank you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

If I don't get over my inability to masturbate in my parents' house soon, I am going to LOSE MY FREAKING MIND.
I've considered committing suicide, but now that I've seen how much it hurt my family when someone we cared about did it, I get sick just thinking about doing something like that. The people who do it, or want to do it, clearly haven't been close to someone who has.
Songs are great. They allow me to sing my secret...and yet still keep it a secret.

"My friends say-
They’re proud of me-
For taking our break up-
So casually-
But they don’t see-
What lies beneath my smile-

It appears-
That I’m okay-
That I moved on-
When you walked away-
But the truth is-
Since you said goodbye-

I’m invisibly shaken-
And quietly breakin’-
Desperately takin’ one breath at a time-
Beneath this composure-
I know it’s over-
Baby I’m dying cause you can’t be mine-
But I will never show the toll it’s taken-
Cause I’m invisibly shaken-"
I like you. You have a girlfriend. And that sucks.
I know you're missing him and not me. But I miss you more than ever these days.

Could you imagine a year ago we'd be here? I couldn't.
i used to think you would stop loving me if you knew all my secrets. but really it's just brought us closer together. i don't need to be mystery girl anymore.
For the first time I'm in a relationship and have no inkling of a feeling to wonder what it would be like with someone else. No other crushes, I don't even look at the others on the street and fantasize about them. I can only think about YOU. I love the feeling, but at the same time it scares me - could you really be the one I've been waiting for? We have a long and hard road ahead of us...I guess we'll see.
I'm afraid Obama won't live up to the hype if he's elected president, but I know that isn't a popular opinion w/ our generation, so I usually keep my mouth shut in political conversations.
I don't have feelings for you anymore. It took me awhile, but the inevitable finally hit me: we'll never be as close as we were, and I'll always think less of you for how you treated me. In the end, I AM glad we're still pretty good friends.
I hate that you gave your new girlfriend a pet name.
My parents treat my sister and I differently. It's very clear my dad likes her better. I'm sure they love us the same, but for some reason he ignores me when she's around. It really hurts my feelings.
Im drunk right now and the one thing im completely sure of is that i love my friends and that the fun i have with tthem is work all this trouble, and all the time apart. so what if i never find any soul mate, these people are my ones to live for.
For what it's worth, I know I'm not the most perfect, best-looking man on the planet Earth. And not even at UNC. But I feel like I deserve something, anything. I just need to crash into someone, connect for just a moment. I'm sick of being alone.
I have been a very responsible, moral person my whole life. I used to believe that someday I would be thankful for it and see the benefit. But, now I'm starting to wonder. Is it worth it? Am I missing out more than I am gaining?

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/4/08

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I'm not asking to be everybody's everything...

I just want to be somebody's something...

I'm tired of being alone...

Where are you?
It's been a year and a half since we broke up. I'm just now starting to believe you probably aren't the one for me.
I only keep up our friendship now because I feel guilty for breaking up with you.
I'm terrified of achieving the goal I've been working towards my whole life just to realize that it's not what I want.
sometimes i wish my friends weren't so interesting

they make me feel boring and unaccomplished.
i cannot concentrate on anything. i am so horny ... all i think about is sex. and i'm a girl.

i wish i had a fuck buddy. no strings attached.

yours truly,
sexually frustrated
I've been talking to this new guy. He's awesome, dates are fun and everything and he's really really good for me. I like him a lot.

The only problem is the sex is REALLY bad. help!
It felt good to fuck him for fuck sake. To relentlessly punish him for hurting me the way he did. Too bad he liked it so much.
I know my ex's passwords. I hate that so much - I don't want to. But I do. And I logged into her facebook earlier today to see what she had been up to - to know how she was living her life without me.

I'm so ashamed. It's been 6 months.
see me as more than a friend. please.
This summer, we're supposed to take a break from each other. But we still talk, and for some reason, you've been penetrating my dreams, too. It's not a longing to be back with you...but it's really missing you as a friend. And it kills me that our boundaries will never let me have you like that.
im going to student health tomorrow. im getting help. im not backing down or chickening out.

im not telling anyone, i need to prove to myself im strong enough to do this on my own.
the rumblings of my empty tummy

both pick me up

and destroy me
Oh my God.

What am I doing?

I'm a sophomore in college. The world is boundless!

And I'm done thinking the world is small because I put it inside of you.
If it wasn't for Facebook reminders, I would never remember any of my friends' birthdays.
I'm happy for you, I truly am. I'm glad you're finding out who you are; I'm glad you've found someone.

But it's difficult for me. For almost two years now, I've wanted to be the girl for you. And now you've found him instead.
I don't know whether you're deceiving me again or not. I'm scared to get close to you again because if you were to do what you did before, it would absolutely crush me. I know that if you hadn't lied so many times before, I wouldn't be worried about this at all, but now I seriously have questions about your morality and it's hurting my ability to let you be my friend. The only way I know of protecting myself from you is to shut myself off from you emotionally.

Please, please, please don't hurt me again.
I mock all the girls who get engaged/married while they're still in college, but really I envy them. I'm tired of falling for all the wrong guys and looking for mr. right. I just want to find him already!!
the idea of dating you makes me giddy inside. I don't know if you'll ever see me this way though.
I wish I could go back to the first day of high school and change everything. I'd make sure we had gone to the same college. I always think about what we could have been like if we'd shared that experience together.
I make a point of telling people that I'm a top-tier student at a good university just because I know that, in conversation, I come across as an idiot.
i know you read this.

you're a bad friend. i'm starting to think you're also a bad person. i wish i could tell you that.
i'm worried i'll never be enough to be a guy's "everything"

i'm worried because i;m not even good enough for myself.
He played one too many games with me. Yesterday I told him I've had enough. And I actually meant it. And it was because of you. I keep trying to bring it up in conversation, but it never works, so I will just say it here. Thank you for making me strong.
I'm over you!
I'm friends with a girl who is perfect for me. she's beautiful, nice, funny, and smart. but unfortunately she has a boyfriend, and it's not me, but it could have been had I not missed my chance. I really suck at initiating those things and that is part of the reason I am leaving after the summer and not returning.
Please propose while we're at the beach...

I know you have the ring. You know I'll say yes.

Please, please, please!
You really suck at relationships.

At least, you suck at them with me.

Comment Here To Submit A Secret 6/3/08

Monday, June 2, 2008

you're not alone. i know.

(really and truly, i do.)