Friday, May 1, 2009

I hope you think of me sometimes. That's what I want, to not be forgotten entirely. I think about you every day and I'd hate to think I'm in this alone.

I said someone else's name last night while we were having sex. I don't know if you noticed or not.

I'm falling for you. And I'm in the right mind to actually do something about it. I'm back, and it feels so good. I hope you're ready!

this entire year, i tried to make you love me. today, i decided to stop, and i have never felt more optimistic and happier about myself. i'll miss you though.

There is a song that I can't listen to anymore. Because one time, while it was playing, you looked into my eyes and I looked into yours...and the combination of the music's crescendo and your beautiful blue eyes, so happy to be looking at mine...I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude and love. Then, a week later you decided that we can't see eachother.

I know how pathetic this will sound.

But I want a boyfriend. I am finally at a place where I can begin to trust guys, where are you all?

I don't want to be alone this summer in Chapel Hill.

Every time I think I've found one, I am let down horribly.