Friday, May 2, 2008

I really like you and most of the time I don't doubt that you feel the same way. But sometimes I'm afraid that I'm just your rebound...
While I'm sad to be leaving Chapel Hill, I feel like graduating is giving me the freedom to do WHATEVER I want my last two weeks here.

and by WHATEVER I mean WHOEVER...
I wish I felt like that I mean more to people.

I wish I had a legitimate relationship.

I wish I didn't fantasize so much about my married friend.
I intentionally scheduled a date for tonight, your birthday, with a gorgeous, intelligent, PERFECT guy, in the hopes that I can forget we were supposed to spend tonight together.

But part of me is praying I run into you while we're out, just so you can see what you're missing.
I'm not surprised you didn't call. I'm not sure if that's because of him or because of you. Either way, I guess it doesn't matter.

I am starting to think it's me, not them.
rooming with my best friend this year has made me hate him. and i can't wait for him to leave. but then i will have no friends.
I thought this was a smart school. It pisses me off how practically everyone I meet is actually not very intelligent, unaware of anything around them, and absorbed in stupid things like tv shows and trivial nonsense. The only smart people I've met here are grad students and professors.
I thought I was empty inside. Then I fell in love this year. Twice. I was rejected and my heart was broken. Twice. Now I feel less than empty.
I am sincerely afraid I have lost the ability to care about other people.
So you had me falling for you and ended it because the distance was too hard. I looked on your profile and saw you online twice today, but you didn't say hi either time. You deleted our pictures from your profile - the ones you took, but kept the ones of your ex. I really don't know what to do when we both say we care a lot about each other and you still don't want to continue this. I feel so empty and broken inside and can't concentrate on anything else. Perfect timing for finals?
I would rather watch tv in bed than do anything else. I'm afraid I will turn into a sloth when I graduate =/
I have always had a crush on you from the moment we first met. Now I consider you my best friend. I just don't want to ruin that by admitting my true feelings for you. I think I could live with this secret the rest of my life as long as I could be close to you.
Every weekend my girlfriend and I have lesbian sex in my dorm room. I'm really sorry for those of you on my hall who hear us, but it's so good I can't help it.
I honestly don't think I care who wins the Presidential election. It's my right to be apathetic too.
Your penis is perfect.
i don't understand why the hell you still want to talk to me when you know how i feel. you're playing games with me.
Just about everyday I post fake responses on juicycampus cursing people and calling them stupid whores and such. I never know the person I am insulting, but if they seem like a good person from the post, I enjoy insulting them even more. I laugh imagining how bad they must feel after discovering "someone" thinks they are a slut or a bad person.

Comment here to submit a secret 5/2/08