Friday, April 18, 2008

I would be indifferent if my boyfriend broke up with me today. Sort of the way I'm indifferent about having him around.
It's been almost two years. I'm convinced that we're meant to be together. I don't mind waiting.
I hate all of the presidential candidates. I don't want to vote because all of them have something that's not only irritating (which I could deal with), but something I am *extremely* against/for that they are for/against.

I despise politics. I think I'm a socialist.
I have so many reasons to be mad at you. You dumped me, and now you seem to be distancing yourself even after you said you wanted to be such good friends. If I could just focus on those bad things, this would go so much easier for me. but instead, all i think about is how great this could have been, and how i could have made you so happy. but you had to go and analyze too much, and now we both missed out on something that could have been so amazing...
Why do I get sad when no one comments on my secret?
Girls in glasses really turn me on
When I'm walking around campus alone, I like to make sure I'm stepping on the black bricks. Sometimes its just because I'm bored and need to entertain myself, but a lot of the time its because I have no clue what I would do should I make eye contact with a passerby.
She's cheating on you. I wish I could tell you, but I couldn't bear it because I know how much it will hurt you. I hope someone is braver than me.
I am teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown with all the work piling on top of me right now. No matter how much work I do things keep on building up. I need a break. I would be looking forward to summer break but I'm doing summer school at UNC. I'm trying to keep a smile on my face but at this point I wouldn't mind a bit if a bus hit me on South Road.
I have Asperger's Syndrome (diagnosed) and haven't told anyone here. I can't. I was "out" in high school and hated getting treated differently.

It hurts to see people with friends everywhere and to know I don't have any, or to see couples and know I'll never be part of one. I just can't sustain conversations or make people like me, and I probably never will.
To all the equally deserving, genuinely sincere, less-than-gorgeous girls out there that I've ignored, I'm sorry. And I can only say it here because I'm not man enough to in real life.

Comment here to submit a secret 4/18/08