Sunday, March 23, 2008

stop using me as your make-out buddy! if you’re interested ask me out on a real date. if you’re not, leave me alone. enough games.
I’ve hardly missed one of my classes this semester just because it gives me a chance to see the guy I really like. He’s hardly noticed.
I cheat on exams by hiding my notes in a stall in the nearest bathroom. Last semester, I went to find them mid-exam and they were gone. I failed the final, and nearly failed the class -- my first C at Carolina. I haven't learned my lesson, and I aced three of my midterms that way this semester.
The evil part of me wants to tell you, now that your relationship has failed, that karma is biting you in the ass for what you did to me.
Music and sounds arouse me.

I don't mean they just put me in the mood. My body feels it, and I mean "feels" it. Violin, classical guitar, wind...somehow my body is has a sensual connection to them.

I wish I could discuss this with someone and have them actually understand without it being weird.
I don't know why by I am attracted to you and I don't think I will be able to get over you for a long while.
I was living my dream before i got accepted here. I came because it was the most practical thing to do. I regret it everyday even though I think this is the best university in the world. Sometimes the good is the enemy of the best.
i tell everyone it's because i have no time. but the the real truth is because i've already fallen head over heels for you. and trust me if you'd ask me i would totally say yes. you make me melt, darling.

Comment here to submit a secret 3/23/2008