Thursday, April 17, 2008

I love it when the approval for comments isn't working or is off. The secrets feel so much more real - and I know they aren't edited and that everyone's post is getting put up.
After talking to you for the first time in weeks, it's starting to sink in that I can get over you. However, I can't stop wishing that we could have enjoyed this beautiful Thursday afternoon together again.
When I see a guy I think is attractive or I talk to someone for the first time, my mind automatically races to images of us dating and having a serious relationship even though I just learned their name. And doing this never actually amounts to anything, so why do I keep getting my hopes up?
The reason I act so awkward around you is because I know you are judging me, and I hear you gossiping about me all the time.
It's been months since I broke up with my boyfriend and I've found someone else in that time. But now he seems to be getting really close to a new girl, and it's just now hitting me how much this is going to hurt after all we shared. I feel like a fool, but yet I'm still completely confident and assured that I made the right decision in breaking up with him.
I have penis envy.
The two people who used to be my best friends have both told me that they hate me. But they won't let me leave and be alone. They would rather I stay right where I am and all of us be miserable.

There's one kind of leaving that they won't be able to drag me back from.
I'm so sick of hearing girls talking about 'cute guys.' There are a lot great, average-looking guys out there, too. At least that's what I try to tell myself, but sometimes I want nothing more than to be one of them.

We all want someone to talk about us.
I tell people that I'm probably going to law school so they take my choice of major seriously.
You're about to really hurt me again and you probably don't even know it.
Sometimes I wish I was white so life would just be easier.
I never graduated from UNC. But literally everyone I know (including my employer) thinks I did. I somehow conned my way into graduation ceremonies(including departmental graduation), took all the pictures, and went through all the pageantry, but have no diploma.

Now I can't leave a job that I hate, because I'm worried if I apply for another one the secret will get out.
why didn't i actually try harder? i'm beginning to think it's too late for anything to happen.
i read and write fanfiction. i can't help it. i enjoy slipping into another character's life that's so much more exciting than my own.
i'm not sure that i'm in love with my fiance.
I don't like sex! I am deeply in love with and highly attracted to my boyfriend, but the deed never does it for me. I've been with girls and guys and it all feels dirty. What the hell is wrong with me?
I wish you would break up with your significant other so I could have a reason to break up with mine!
My teachers think that I'm missing class just because -- but it's because I have depression and can't muster up the energy to get up in the morning.
I think I am too ugly/fat to be in a relationship, or even have sex, for that matter. I hate my body. I sometimes think if someone else loved me, then I would love me too. Maybe being in a relationship would mean I'm actually not ugly. One can only hope.
You told me to be straightforward if I want to tell you something... And what exactly was that supposed to mean? I'll be straightforward when you start.
you're supposed to be my best friend.
yet, i am the one always calling you. you never ask how i am anymore. i feel alone. why don't you care? i wish i was "your person" for once.
Whenever I am faced with an opportunity to express myself I find I have nothing to say.

Comment here to submit a secret 4/17/08