Saturday, April 12, 2008

all they can talk about is how much we're going to miss each other, but I'm pretty sure I won't speak to my roommates again after graduation.
I prefer to be on top, not only because it feels better, but because his stomach doesn't stick out as much. I want to tell him to start working out and caring more about his body, but I don't want to hurt his feelings or make it seem that I'm being shallow. But honestly, it's going to ruin our sex life if he doesn't start...
I never understood the expression "my heart dropped into my stomach" until i saw you tonight on franklin street...
i can't STAND my roommate anymore. the pigsty that is our room, people refusing to clean anything and take trash out, it's disgusting. not to mention the friends that are ALWAYS here. but we somehow still do that sweet, 'pretend-to-like-each-other' thing.

i'm not sure i can make it last these last few weeks!
think I pretty much failed my first semester, but I don't have the nerve to tell my parents the truth. And every time I have to ask them for money for food, I feel even more guilty because I don't think I earned anything from them. What hurts most is knowing I failed myself, because in my mind, failure is never an option, punishable by death (unless you are a coward, like me, then it's just excessive brooding...)
I'm terrified that I'll turn out like my mother. She is an amazing woman, but she is trapped. And I never want to be trapped. Ever.
i'm annoyingly conscientious in public about recycling and turning off dripping taps to make up for the fact that i use obscene amounts of toilet paper and take hour-long showers in private

Comment here to submit a secret 4/12/08