Sunday, January 11, 2009

Return my goddamn phonecalls, asshole. It's getting annoying.
I feel so alone. I'm getting sick of my good friends, and I don't know of who else to talk to.
I know how I feel about you and how you feel about me. Yet all of a sudden, I'm pulling away again. It's probably because I've realized that we're not going to be together for a long time, and I don't want to deal with that. But I still love you, and probably always will.
I moved in with my friend at the beginning of this month, and I can already tell it's going to destroy our friendship.

She shuts herself in the room all day, doesn't speak to me for hours, and has completely monopolized the internet and cable, leaving me to post this using someone else's internet. Additionally, she seems to think it's MY job to report any maintenance issues to the office, even though her inconsiderateness has caused me to avoid the place when I can.

It's going to be a LOOOOOONG 8 months.
I wish you wouldn't keep ten feet away from me as if I had leprosy. It doesn't hurt that you don't feel about me the way that I feel about you. I'm an adult. I can handle rejection. What hurts is that you seem to be terrified of me, now that the truth is out.

I'm not here to cause you pain. You face enough stress as it is. But please don't insult me by acting as if I'm a crazy nympho who'll jump you without warning. I thought you knew me better than that.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 1/11/09