Monday, June 23, 2008

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/24/08

I feel so connected to you all who post here. Thank you for helping me not feel so alone. :)
whenever i hear you talk about how hot some girl is i facebook stalk her and try to figure out what makes her so much better than me.
I have lost a ton of weight and accepted the fact that I am gay, but I still look in the mirror and see that fat, unattractive, and closeted person I was. I guess my closet was bigger than I thought. I want a relationship and I want someone to hold and fall asleep with but I don't see myself as good enough for that. How can I learn to like myself?
When you fall out of love with your current boyfriend like you did me, you should realize that the kind of love you want to last your whole life is not possible for anyone. And maybe then you'll try at us again.
im scared

im scared im falling too fast
im scared of what will happen come fall
im scared that im no longer completely in control
im scared im not good enough
im scared ill fuck things up

please make it worth it
I didn't expect to see you that night, when I did see you I was worried it would be a terrible night. It wasn't--I haven't had that much fun all summer. Now I only wish I had made out with you...
No one knows that I'm suicidal.
Life away from Chapel Hill is missing a very palpable something. While its not torture for me to be in this home which isn't even mine since my parents move, I feel as though life will be significantly better once I can get back to campus. At this point, I actually want to have classes, I want to learn, I want to excel. So I guess the lack of accomplishment is what really gets to me out here.
I am happy. I like the path my life is on.

I only wish you had wanted to journey there with me.
Hey, snotty little brat at my internship.

Don't you dare knock UNC because your program is specialized.

I'm so glad that you have all of these classes that teaches you everything you need to know, but that's all you'll ever know. Personally, I'd like to EXPAND my horizons. Thank you.

Oh, and by the way? Yes. Basketball IS important, asshole.
I'm reinventing myself this summer. It's going well with all the people who are seeing the slow gradual changes, but I'm scared about what happens in the fall when I am suddenly a very different person.
i dont understand why i dont have any fucking friends. is it them? or is it me?
When I wrote "I love you" on a road sign today, I meant you, and I have for the last years and probably will for the next few to come. You've moved on and you're happy. Just know I'm somewhere wishing you well.
what i cant tell you:
your voice is sexy and its adorable how tall you are. every time we look at each other i want to do what our eyes say.

but its not going to happen.

thank you for this
I could see us growing old together. Please let us have another chance one day.
I was never that prince you read about in fairy tales.
I Was NEver That PRInce You Read About In Fairy Tales.

...all I can do is try, but that's never been good enough now has it?

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 6/23/08