Sunday, April 26, 2009

Every now and then I am seized by a feeling of complete and utter loneliness. It's horrifying to feel isolated in a room full of people - of friends. Yes, I'm naturally touchy and flirty, but sometimes I really just need someone else to be there. There's no hidden message behind it; I just don't want to deal with the void.

I only started flirting with you cause I wanted something from you but I can't tell a difference any more.

I thought about killing myself last week. I got a B on a major assignment, thought about my post-college plans being threatened by my mediocre GPA, and seriously, for the first time in my life, considered it for about 2 seconds.

I'm worried that if my relationship does eventually fail for good, it'll be sometime after next year when all my friends are gone.

I had a dream last night where he came and made love to me while I slept. It was so vivid. It brought back all kinds of things I wish I could forget about. When I woke up, I was terrified. I wish I'd dreamed about something else.

I love you. I always have. And I'm sorry if I overstep my bounds. It's unintentional, and I only do it because I care for you.

I'm tired. I'm more tired than I have ever been.

I say I don't care if you hook up with other people, but I know I would cry if I found out that you did. I know we're not "dating", but it's not because I wouldn't. Please don't hurt me.
Every time I read the secrets on this site, I always want to edit them for grammar and spelling.
I am a binge eater. Nobody knows-- not even my closest friends. I feel powerless to stop it. I want to stop hating myself. You may know me...I'm the girl who's smiling on the outside but crying on the inside.
We were in an English class together but we've never spoken. You used to bring a fresh pack of gum and chew through the entire contents in one sitting. You are strikingly beautiful yet painfully thin. Sometimes, when I'm wasting time on facebook, I come across your pictures and cannot help but notice you wasting away. More and more, I think my suspicions are correct. Do your friends notice? Are you seeking help? I just want you to know that I think about you and that I hope you're okay.

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 4/27/09