Friday, May 30, 2008

When I first started dating my boyfriend, he told me that it would take a long time for him to get to a place where he could have sex with me.

It's been almost six months, I'm very much in love with him, and I'm so glad that we haven't had sex yet. SO GLAD.
I'm waiting until my wedding night until I have sex but sometimes it's really really difficult. I've thought about masturbation but I'm pretty sure that being a Christian means that that's not an option either. I really really do want to do the Godly thing, but it's really getting difficult.
I haven't been depressed like this for two years. I don't know if I'm strong enough to get out again.
Sometimes you're so lethargic around me and other friends of ours that are girls, then you perk up immediately when the guys come around. It's annoying and obvious.
I just looked at pictures of us together from last year and fall semester....REALLY looked at them. And I could see the life and love in your eyes and mine. I realized I hadn't felt an inkling of that or seen you like that in such a long time.

I cried a little over you for the first time in many months. Fuck.
1. you know I love you.
2. you know that I miss you and that I want to see you.
3. you're only home for three more days.
4. our paths won't cross again until August, if then.
5. call me, stupid.
thanks for inviting me, ass holes.
UNC's girls worry too much about being rail thin. I dont know about any of you, but I love a well done muffin top!
now that i think about it, i really did hate my roomate.
i lied to my parents about making deans list again.

Comment here to submit a secret 5/30/08