Saturday, April 19, 2008

you have really let me down.
and I honestly never thought you would...
I like to think of myself as a forward-thinking feminist, I'm horrified by anorexia and bulemia, and the last thing I'd ever want to do is perpetuate the beauty myth, but I'm honestly only attracted to skinny girls and I hate that about myself.
I'm crushed.
My Dad has been sleeping with prostitutes. I overheard him confessing to my Mom.

They've been married for 35 years.
whenever i hear people laughing and i don't know why, i always think they're laughing at or making fun of me, and i get really self-conscious
sometimes i feel like masturbating is the only thing that gets me through the day
When listening to recitals of the other students in my studio, I wish and wait for them to screw up so that I won't feel so bad for all my mistakes.
Sorry, but just saying "I was really drunk" is NOT going to take back what you said to me or what we did...the sooner you realize that the better.
You reached out and touched one of my scars on purpose. I have never felt more violated.
I drink on the weekends with my roommates. It's the only time we're truly honest with each other. I'm going to miss them like crazy over the summer. They are truly my sisters in my heart, no matter how much I tease and make fun of them.
Sometimes I ride around on the P2P by myself just to watch and be around people. I also maintain the fleeting hope that can meet a girl one day who is doing the same thing as me.
i couldve hooked up with a realllly cute boy tonight. nice, genuine too. but all i want is you. and damnit, you don't deserve me.

Comment here to submit a secret 4/19/08