Sunday, April 6, 2008

I kind of wish I hadn't asked you to get rid of the nude pictures you took of me ... I might have liked to see how hot I actually was when I get old.
I have a huge crush on my ex boyfriend's best friend, who also happens to be one of my best friend's crush/prospective boyfriend...and I'm really tempted to just say "screw it" and try to pursue him anyway, even though it will mess everything up, because he's amazing.
I love him...really, more than anything or anyone I've ever loved. But it seems that all I can think of lately is being with someone else. Not a relationship, just the excitement of being with someone new.
The worst part is knowing that I wouldn't feel guilty if I did....what is wrong with me?
The only thing that I wouldn't sacrifice for you is also the only thing that would keep us together.
I'm going to check where I stand with you before we leave in 4 weeks. I guess this is a temporary secret, but I want to be sure I do it.
You'll never know all of my secrets. And I don't think you'd want to.
I've been such an idiot. How could I have fixated on him when you -- wonderful, amazing, handsome, funny, kind you -- have been right next to me this whole time? It's like discovering coffee or the Beatles for the first time.
I'm so frustrated with "the system".
I'm nearly nineteen and have never had a boyfriend nor have I even been kissed. Some people tell me I'm beautiful, but they must be lying. Sometimes (most of the time) I think there must be something wrong with me...

Comment here to submit a secret 4/6/08