Friday, February 13, 2009

Comment Here to Submit a Secret 2/13/09


Anonymous said...

I never really learned how to make friends, so now I don't have any. I'm afraid I'll be alone all my life.

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether or not "The Jasmine Consensus" was actually a well-intentioned political pursuit, or just a bunch of people being really vindictive.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could get in a relationship, for once.

Anonymous said...

I plan on having a high-powered career, but secretly dream of helping my future kids get ready for their school dances, and having a beautiful home that everyone wants to be in.

Anonymous said...

Ironically, I am actually over you. It's funny though how you're falling into the exact same patterns that you had with me with your current guy but think there's a difference. I can't wait to laugh when it falls apart, and I don't care if it's bitter and "unhealthy" to still resent you.