Friday, March 21, 2008

During my 4 years, I had crushes on about a half a dozen girls that I never articulated.
Half of those, I don't regret. The other half, I do, because 1) I think one would have worked out 2) Turns out, her family is crazy rich 3) You don't get a lot of chances to meet hot Indian girls as an "adult"


Anonymous said...

i wish i could meet you.

Anonymous said...

Genuine interest, or because you'd like to tell me I'm a pig? Because I realize now that I come off as pretty churlish in that comment. It was more a lament about how I can't act on any feelings I have, rather than an "Oh man wish I'd nailed me that broad" remark - all the of the girls were perfectly nice, intelligent young women regardless of their physical appearance or financial situation, and I missed out on getting to know them better.

The crazy thing is, maybe you have met me! Oh internet anonymity, what a wonderful beast you are.

Anonymous said...

genuine interest. but wallowing in internet anonymity.