Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I am waiting for that one moment, that love at first sight only in a movie moment, where I will meet my perfect girl and live happily ever after. I wonder if she is out there. Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic. I can't be the only guy that feels like this, or am i?


Anonymous said...

I used to. Now I say fuck that. You'll be waiting forever.

Anonymous said...

keep on waiting! there are so many girls out there who are waiting for that moment, too. and you sound awesome :) it'll happen someday

Anonymous said...

You should talk to girls you see randomly. Let me tell you it will make their day, and who knows? You may find someone perfect that way!

Anonymous said...

agreed with last poster! my bf did this.. talked to me randomly because he thought i seemed cool. turns out we really WERE the person of one another's dreams!

Anonymous said...

im probably not that girl for you, as chance would have. but you sound amazing, and i wish you good luck, you sound like a trustworthy, NICE guy, which i feel is lacking somewhat nowadays...just wait, some girl will snatch you up before you even realize it :)

Anonymous said...

so glad to know there are guys like you out there. thanks.

Anonymous said...

i had that moment.
i dumped her earlier this year and think of her every day.
i'm still not sure what will happen when i get back from summer.
just know-when that moment comes? it's a great as they make it out to be :)