I'm nearly nineteen and have never had a boyfriend nor have I even been kissed. Some people tell me I'm beautiful, but they must be lying. Sometimes (most of the time) I think there must be something wrong with me...
you're not the only one. I'm 20 and I've never had a boyfriend nor have i been kissed. And you know what...I'm ok with that. I'm just living my life and if it happens, it happens.
I've had two boyfriends and still never been kissed. People say they are jealous. I'm kinda proud of it, but also kinda wondering if I'm just not pretty enough... and what it would feel like to be kissed.
you're not the only one. I'm 20 and I've never had a boyfriend nor have i been kissed. And you know what...I'm ok with that. I'm just living my life and if it happens, it happens.
you pretty much said my secret word for word
Same here
same here, although it isn't exactly a secret, I mean I've told people.
I've had two boyfriends and still never been kissed. People say they are jealous. I'm kinda proud of it, but also kinda wondering if I'm just not pretty enough... and what it would feel like to be kissed.
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