Monday, April 28, 2008

Why the hell am I so shy and scared? It's ruining my life.


Anonymous said...

I used to be like that too, until one day someone came up to me and started talking to me randomly. I made myself talk to them, too. Now, she's one of my best friends, and I've learned how to make that difference in other people too :)

Anonymous said...

I'm slowly learning how to open up to people, my shyness has ruined so many relationships especially with girlfriends. I'm taking Paxil now and it seems to help but I have also just gotten tired of being the quiet one, its not that I really care what people think of me, its just I'm scared to speak in a crowd of people, I'm fine in front of a large group, but it takes time, just think, every day is a new day and the more you talk, the better your relationship get and the close you get to others