Thursday, May 22, 2008

At one point, you were my best friend. I know that we've grown apart, and I accept that. I really do. I still love you as deeply as i did before.

I wish you'd talk to me, though. I know you're in pain and I want to help. Just to listen.

Can we please become part of each others lives again? I miss you.


Anonymous said...

I wish you had written this to me; it breaks my heart that you don't care about what we lost.

Anonymous said...

You're best friend is always worth fighting for. Just try working harder at it and being there for him or her. I know that's what I'd want from my best friend.

Anonymous said...

i feel like this could have been about me...

Anonymous said...

i really hope you wrote this

Anonymous said...

this is exactly how i feel about my best friend. i really miss her..

Anonymous said...

i was going thru old posts reading and saw this. i'm pretty much sure it's you who wrote it. maybe its just hope? either way, please keep trying. i need your help more than ever