Thursday, May 1, 2008

I look down on religious people.


Anonymous said...

I look down on atheists like you.

Anonymous said...

So do I. I think they're so pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Atheism and agnosticism are both religions. Everyone's religious whether they like it or not, so it's hard for me to understand either side of this.

Anonymous said...

I feel like people who are religious have a blindfold on. I want to shake them and tell them to wake up. Look at this world around us, it's beautiful, and WE made it, WE are in charge of OURSELVES!

Anonymous said...

I feel like people who aren't religious have the blindfold on.. because they cannot enjoy life fully knowing that there is something even better out there when they leave this world. "Look at this world" and see the complexity of it... it is not man made, and if you think that, you sure are giving yourself credit that isn't deserved.

Anonymous said...

I used to look down on religious people, but now I understand that some people simply can't handle the fact that life is a meaningless existential hell, and are happier believing a pleasant lie.

And in the end, who is really happier - the truth-seeking atheists who don't know what happens when you die, or the delusional religious people who "know" that good things await, when it fact we all secretly know we're just gonna rot in the ground. But who wants to believe that?