Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I slept with a guy I met only a few days ago...and I feel like I've known him for years, and I think I'm falling in love with him already. I don't want this to happen so fast, I want to be cautious...but when he cuddles me, it feels so amazing, and that feeling is what gets me through the day. I don't wnat to fall so hard so fast because I know I'll only get hurt, but at the same time, it seems like he's falling just as hard for me too, or am I imagining it. That's what is racking my brain and preventing me from sleeping. I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone, and I've only known you for a few days. I hope you feel the same, because I couldn't survive one more heartbreak right now.


Anonymous said...

I did not write this.
I did not write this.
I did not write this.

...but I could have.

Anonymous said...

go for it! i did that same thing and six months later, he's got his arms around me as i'm typing this :D

Anonymous said...

Poster of the secret: I'm going for it! :)

Anonymous said...

holy shit, this brain. these are my words. i am in literally the exact same situation. that's incredible.

Anonymous said...

i slept with him right away

now i'm worried he just (being a nice guy) is sticking around for long enough so i dont feel bad