Friday, May 2, 2008

I thought this was a smart school. It pisses me off how practically everyone I meet is actually not very intelligent, unaware of anything around them, and absorbed in stupid things like tv shows and trivial nonsense. The only smart people I've met here are grad students and professors.


Anonymous said...

You can like TV shows and still be smart, you know.

Anonymous said...

Smart doesn't mean you don't like to be lighthearted sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I feel that...often, I wonder how some of the people here got into Carolina... I don't complain too much though. It helps the bell-curves from my perspective.

Anonymous said...

I think most people including myself aren't comfortable showing off how smart they are when they first meet people for fear of being seen as elitist, snobbish, obnoxious, etc. But once I get to know you I'm perfectly fine having deep intellectual conversations. Meeting people is just not a social space for intellectual discussion, there needs to be a feeling of respect and trust.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this comment to some extent. I get frustrated by the cheating, the slack attitude. I don't feel the passion for learning that I was expecting.

Anonymous said...

OP here. I appreciate the comments. I agree that meeting people is not the place necessarily for deep intellectual discussion, but a recitation or seminar IS. Is it so hard to find people who at least glance at the material and form a coherent thought?

Cindy said...

We have such a great reputation but there are a lot of dumbasses here because of the rules about them having to take people from every county in state and all that jazz. NC is full of dumb people.

Anonymous said...

I don't that that where someone is from determines their intellect. I also don't believe that just because someone likes to watch "mindless" television means they aren't intelligent. I will NEVER claim to be any sort of a genius, but I go here too, so I know I must be smart by some standard (not basing intelligence on college attended). I'm sure some of the things I say or do are pretty darn unintelligent.

Anonymous said...

I hear the way people talk here and it makes me cringe. If you're not smart enough to use correct grammar and pronunciation, you shouldn't be allowed into college. It's just common sense.