My friend just asked me for my leftover painkillers to sell so that they could make ends meet, giving me some of the profit. Part of me finds it despicable, and part of me could really use the extra cash.
Part of me finds that despicable, and part of me is really pissed that I didn't think of it first.
No painkillers were given to her in the past...I had surgery over Christmas break. I don't, nor have I ever, taken painkillers or any other sort of pills just to get high.
Part of me finds that despicable, and part of me is really pissed that I didn't think of it first.
sketchy maybe but despicable sounds harsh if he's really struggling
if youve given friends painkillers in the past, or taken them recreationally, how is that any more dispicable
No painkillers were given to her in the past...I had surgery over Christmas break. I don't, nor have I ever, taken painkillers or any other sort of pills just to get high.
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