Whenever we talk, it's always all about you. I told you about some huge problems in my life, and you haven't asked about them since. This just reinforces my view that being close to someone is pointless, people are transient, and I am wasting my time.
this is exactly how i feel..it's almost like, what's the point of developing relationships?
you guys need to find some better friends =)
People will always fail you. maybe they don't know how to help you, that's what I tell myself when my friends don't act like friends should.
I'm not used to people wanting me to know things about their private lives. I worry you won't talk to me about it, and that will just make it awkward and make me feel like you don't trust me. But I'm always here if you want to talk to me.
He or she may not be comfortable discussing 'major issues' in your life. S/he may think that it's more polite not to broach subjects that have clearly caused you to struggle emotionally. I agree, it can be irritating to listen to someone talk about him/herself all the time, but you can't expect this person to read your mind. If you want to talk about you, you are responsible for bringing it up.
I personally am more of a listener when it comes to those things as well. Even if I am wondering or concerned, I don't want to bring something up that could negatively affect someone's mood if they don't want to talk about it at the moment, and what if it was a one time sharing thing.
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