Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sometimes I really think it would be better to kill myself than be about to graduate.


Anonymous said...

please don't. trust me, it's gonna be an adventure to live.

Anonymous said...

yeah I've thought about that before too, but then I evaluate a more promising yet still drastic option: what about moving somewhere far away where no one knows you and creating whatever random kind of life you happen to find? if you dont want to graduate and have a conventionally professional life, then don't, but don't kill yourself over it, that's not the only type of life to live, no matter how much society and our parents try to hammer those thoughts into us. you never know what could happen if you gave a different life a chance rahter than just ending it all together. you could do everything you've ever wanted to do. this is why when i was seriously contemplating suicide, i wanted to do so by starvation or by a slowly increased schedule of drugs, while traveling or finding somewhere far away. you at least give yourself a chance to enjoy living enough to realize you want to live.