Tuesday, April 29, 2008

i wish my boyfriend would stop calling me dude and man. i know its just habit cause thats just how he talks but DUDE, I'm not just one of your BUDDIES...


Anonymous said...

ok---i realllly hope we're not talking about the same guy (because, gosh, i dont know ANYONE else who does this) but PLEASE, for goodness sake, if he keeps calling me dude i will scream.

Anonymous said...

hahah one of my bestfriends always complains about this. she hangs up on him when he does it. i'd hate it too.

Anonymous said...

I HATE when guys do this!!

Anonymous said...

Stuff like that just comes out of our mouths. Don't take it seriously.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

haha I know what you mean! Sometimes, even though I know it isn't intended this way, it translates as "You are asexual to me."

Anonymous said...

I KNOW!! And I even asked him to stop doing it! The worst part is that I've started saying it to other people!!!