Friday, May 23, 2008

I don't care about:
-My grades
-My future
-How much money I'm going to owe after I leave this place.
I could graduate with a 2.4 and become nothing more than a housewife and be fine with that. I came here almost exclusively for basketball, I've somehow gotten into every game thus far (Dook included), and I know I made the right choice. But every day that goes by without Danny and Wayne and Ty un-declaring from the draft, I start to panic a little more...


Anonymous said...

I'm trying hard to empathize with your secret, but I guess I don't understand. I bet you've got so much in you that's far more meaningful than UNC basketball!

Anonymous said...

i really kind of agree... after all this school, i really just wanna throw in the towel and be a housewife.