Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I've recently realized that I get very nervous every time someone brings up Jews, Judaism, Israel, or anything having to do with me being a Jew. I've been raised a Jew, but I'm beginning to think that I want nothing to do with it anymore.

But if that IS true, and I start exploring other faiths, my family would be so disappointed in me...


Anonymous said...

I'm always afraid the other people at Hillel will suddenly realize how unreligious I am. I just go there because I like my culture. I don't really believe in the religion.

Anonymous said...

you have to be true to yourself. if you choose to share that with others or not is your choice...

Anonymous said...

I met my best friend last year. She is a Jew an dI am a Christian. I'm not very religious, but I am fascinated by her religion and culture. Just don't be afraid to believe what you want, or be accepting of others. My eyes have opened much wider in these 2 years.