Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Whenever you slapped my face, it hurt. But when you slapped my face, it didn't sting, so it never hurt enough to count.
I've told no one, and I'm still not sure that I have anything to tell.
They were always "accidents." Too drunk, too strong, too careless. I'm just making a big deal of nothing...right?


Anonymous said...

you are not making a big deal out of nothing, any form of physical abuse, no matter how small is still abuse. i encourage you to contact the chapel hill family violence prevention center: 919 929 3875.
you can get out and get through it

Anonymous said...

Please leave that jerk. There are so many better people out there, and no one deserves to be treated that way.

Anonymous said...

It it meant enough to you (and happened enough times) to become your secret, it is definitely not nothing.

Anonymous said...

A slap today...what would it be in a year? 5? 10? Leave now, as it will only get more difficult later. And get help from a friend to keep you from going back and from making excuses for him...