Sunday, March 30, 2008

From the Moderators

Thank you for sharing your secrets.

The reaction to this blog in such a short time has been overwhelming and gratifying. Not only have the posts been eye-opening, but your comments have added so much to what this project is starting to become. 

We do request that when you submit a secret, however, that you try to be concise. We have been getting several posts that, while as touching and fascinating as any of the others, probably already have CliffsNotes for sale at your friendly neighborhood Ideally, your secret will be between one sentence and two (short) paragraphs long. While we so appreciate your choice to participate in this project, for the sake of those reading the secrets (and us who moderate them), brevity is preferable.

If your secret has not been posted and you suspect length was the reason, please feel free to shorten it and submit again.

(This post, for instance, might serve as an example of what not to do.)

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