I really miss you. More than you probably know. And Im glad I got to speak to you and embrace you before I left for the summer. I was stupid enough to walk away without getting your number. And someting makes me think that you wanted me to have it.
I really, really want to make out with someone. I'm starting to have random feelings for my guy friends that I know wouldn't be there if I wasn't so deprived.
If someone gave me the chance to live forever, I would do it. I don't think I'd be lonely. I'm lonely now, and at least if I lived forever I'd never stop learning and seeing new things.
I don't care about: -My grades -My future -How much money I'm going to owe after I leave this place. I could graduate with a 2.4 and become nothing more than a housewife and be fine with that. I came here almost exclusively for basketball, I've somehow gotten into every game thus far (Dook included), and I know I made the right choice. But every day that goes by without Danny and Wayne and Ty un-declaring from the draft, I start to panic a little more...
i dont think you realized how hurt/angry i was last night. sometimes i feel that because you are such a nice guy that i can not get angry at you, because you never intentionally do things to hurt my feelings. but my gosh, if you had called me last night, i might have exploded over the phone. you have no idea.
I am in Chapel Hill, with all of these people around me. It is Memorial Day Weekend, so I should have tons of stuff to do, but I have nothing to do. It kind of sucks.
I wish you'd call me out when I'm a jerk to you. You think that you deserve to be treated rudely by me because you hurt me, but it's not true. You deserve better. But if you don't think so, why should I?
It was a completely normal night; I was studying. I was in a good place. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, a memory surfaces of going with you to a sketchy pizza place with our best friend and the fun we had.
Good God, why? I wasn't even feeling hungry, much less for pizza.
My roomates for next year are already fucking takin advantage of me. I'm seriously on the brink of just living by myself. But I know I'll just wuss out and, once again, give in to everyone else's demands.
I'm not coming back in the Fall and I still haven't told my parents. I think they will kill me, but I just can't sit there in school and pretend it's right for me anymore....
I have a totally sweet, stable, kinda nerdy boy that is totally into me and I sort of like him back after knowing him for a few years. However, the guy I really want is the witty, rude, and antagonistic hottie I met last weekend.
I really miss you. More than you probably know. And Im glad I got to speak to you and embrace you before I left for the summer. I was stupid enough to walk away without getting your number. And someting makes me think that you wanted me to have it.
I really, really want to make out with someone. I'm starting to have random feelings for my guy friends that I know wouldn't be there if I wasn't so deprived.
If someone gave me the chance to live forever, I would do it. I don't think I'd be lonely. I'm lonely now, and at least if I lived forever I'd never stop learning and seeing new things.
I don't care about:
-My grades
-My future
-How much money I'm going to owe after I leave this place.
I could graduate with a 2.4 and become nothing more than a housewife and be fine with that. I came here almost exclusively for basketball, I've somehow gotten into every game thus far (Dook included), and I know I made the right choice. But every day that goes by without Danny and Wayne and Ty un-declaring from the draft, I start to panic a little more...
Im taking it as a sign that after this fight our favorite show is on a marathon. Hope we have a marathon too.
i honestly did want to get back together, but then i realized what a dick you are.
thank god it didn't take me all summer to get over you...
I'm getting sick of waiting for you to call.
So, instead of letting you stew over how to "let me down easy," I'm going to help you:
You didn't mean as much as you thought. Goodbye.
we had sex again this morning, and i still can't make myself feel bad about it.
it feels right, and i'm sorry.
i dont think you realized how hurt/angry i was last night. sometimes i feel that because you are such a nice guy that i can not get angry at you, because you never intentionally do things to hurt my feelings. but my gosh, if you had called me last night, i might have exploded over the phone. you have no idea.
I am in Chapel Hill, with all of these people around me. It is Memorial Day Weekend, so I should have tons of stuff to do, but I have nothing to do. It kind of sucks.
I don't see what anyone can see in anyone else.
I can do better.
I haven't slept in 4 days since I stopped taking Lorcet. I've been throwing up a lot and I tihink my parents know whats going on.
i hate all of them...
I wish you'd call me out when I'm a jerk to you. You think that you deserve to be treated rudely by me because you hurt me, but it's not true. You deserve better. But if you don't think so, why should I?
It was a completely normal night; I was studying. I was in a good place. And then suddenly, out of nowhere, a memory surfaces of going with you to a sketchy pizza place with our best friend and the fun we had.
Good God, why? I wasn't even feeling hungry, much less for pizza.
I love Naruto. LOVE it.
Sometimes I wonder if people see through me and realize how unintelligent I actually am.
I've graduated and don't start my "real job" for another few months. This in between phase sucks, I just want to go ahead and START my new life.
My roomates for next year are already fucking takin advantage of me. I'm seriously on the brink of just living by myself. But I know I'll just wuss out and, once again, give in to everyone else's demands.
I'm not coming back in the Fall and I still haven't told my parents. I think they will kill me, but I just can't sit there in school and pretend it's right for me anymore....
I have a totally sweet, stable, kinda nerdy boy that is totally into me and I sort of like him back after knowing him for a few years. However, the guy I really want is the witty, rude, and antagonistic hottie I met last weekend.
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