Sunday, March 30, 2008

I don't think you realize how much your friendship means to me, but you bring out the best in me. When I'm around you, I am myself at my happiest, my kindest, my cleverest, my funniest (those kind of stop looking like real words all strung together like that, huh?), my most comfortable and my most engaged in the world around me. I know I'm not the only person who feels like this around you, and I'd feel awkward telling you in person, but if you read this and you think that there's no way this could possibly ever ever be about you -- it is.


Anonymous said...

that's the sweetest thing i've ever heard and i think you should tell that person.

Anonymous said...

copy and paste this in an email to that person asap....whats the worse that could happen? you'll be at the same spot?

Anonymous said...

i agree. this is adorable.

Anonymous said...

Yeah tell them. At first I was wishing one of my friends would feel that way about me because I feel that way about my friends. But the "I'm not the only person" part ruined it.I don't have any close friends with which I have mutual close friends. Tell them though. It could make their life. And who knows maybe you're that person to them. ..